Sunsets | The G Manifesto

Ten Step Nightlife Preparation Routine

18 February 2013 » In Boxing, G Manifesto, Game, Guide, Nightlife, Style »

Nightlife Preparation Routine

People always ask me how I prepare for a night out. Well, it is a complicated step-by-step process now that I have to do every night before I go out.

It takes a while, but you will feel 120% everytime when your roll (and I don’t mean Beans, either).

First things first, I have a good day. I go to the boxing gym or get a good workout on. Then, after getting some work done, I go for a good open ocean swim. This helps clear the head no matter what you did the night before. Then I usually swim some underwater laps in the pool. I typically get a little sunset walk on as well to clear the mind. Or I get a second work out at my boxing gym.

When nighttime rolls around, (Continue reading…)

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Tags: ACV, Apple Cider Vinegar, Aqua-therapy, Beach, Boxing, Cocktail, Custom Suit, Foam Roll, Foam Rolling, Green Tea, Ice Pack, Nightlife Preparation, Ocean Swims, Shadow Boxing, Shower, Stretching, Sunsets, tinypass, Underwater Swimming, Vampire Nap, Vodka Soda with a lime