AL Kennedy on writing | The Guardian

  • ️Sat Aug 10 2013
  • Burning books

    Words' worth

    AL Kennedy: The novelist kicks off a new series, coinciding with the Edinburgh international book festival, where writers consider the words that mean most to them

  • Balance sheet

    Writing for love. And money

    AL Kennedy: The really valuable returns for an author are emotional, spiritual even. Though it's great when the bills get paid too

  • Door keys

    Home thoughts, and abroad

    It's been some tiresome time since I last blogged, but a trip to Germany provided some more sombre reasons to worry

  • 2012 London Paralympics - Day 2 - Athletics

    Disabled writers gave me faith in words

    Working early in my career with vulnerable writers, I saw how the arts – like the Paralympics – can release power and status for people whom society was working hard to keep very far from both

  • al kennedy keyboard

    The chaos of writing: still hitting the keyboard after all these years

    AL Kennedy: The upheaval of moving house is a reminder of the need to find discipline to work

  • Talha Ahsan

    Solitary confinement is no place for a poet

    AL Kennedy: The poet Talha Ahsan is awaiting extradition to the US, where he faces a life in detention virtually deprived of human contact

  • Van Gogh's Self-Portrait With Cut Ear

    Why I hate the myth of the suffering artist

    AL Kennedy: It is absurd and insulting to assume artists are assisted by despair or hunger in a way that, say, plumbers are not

  • AL Kennedy's study

    Building a writer's nest

    It's easy to ignore your surroundings when lost in the world of words, but they can make the writing life a lot more agreeable

  • Pushing chips on a roulette table

    Putting everything into writing

    AL Kennedy: Complete commitment, down to the last comma, is the only way for me to make writing work. Which isn't good news for everything else in my life

  • X-ray

    Running some tests on your writing

    AL Kennedy

    It can be very uncomfortable, but if you want to produce a healthy manuscripts, you'll need to make some clinical judgments

  • ice cubes

    Feeling's good: why writers need emotion

    AL Kennedy: I've never writhed and howled in sync with my characters, but fiction isn't possible without some feeling

  • Girl lighting a candle

    A question of inspiration

    AL Kennedy: Authors dread being asked where their ideas come from, but if we can't talk about unhinged belief, what else is there to ask?

  • Wine glasses

    The book launch letdown

    Even in good health, these are not occasions for the writer to look forward to

  • tape recorder

    The novel's nearly out. Time to start telling people about it

    I appreciate the value of the promotional round, but it's not my forte. The best way to approach it, I've found, is never to read the interviews and never, ever to look at the photographs

  • Kettle

    Off-putting behaviour

    AL Kennedy: After much delay I finally get around to the subject of procrastination

  • Harris hawk

    Seeing with a raptor's eye

    AL Kennedy: The focus and passion of these birds' gaze is a fine inspiration for any writer

  • A man's hand writing

    Writing for love

    AL Kennedy: I'm lucky enough to get paid for it, but the pleasures and rewards of putting words together can and should be shared by all

  • Prison bars

    Different kinds of sentence

    AL Kennedy: Creative writing is an important outlet for many people – even more so for those denied freedom

  • Doctor takes patients blood pressure-detail

    Rewriting wrongs

    AL Kennedy: An essential part of good writing, it can also obliterate your best efforts when prompted by the wrong editorial hands

  • cheque

    And now there's a book out there with your name on it. Imagine that

    AL Kennedy: Your first book will bring you – if all goes well – into contact with your first agent, your first editor and your first advance

About 68 results for AL Kennedy on writing