All of Thor's Love Interests in Marvel Comics, Ranked | The Mary Sue
- ️D.R. Medlen
- ️Tue Jul 12 2022
Who has gotten all of Thor's love and thunder?
Published: Jul 12, 2022 07:25 pm
Thor: Love and Thunder brings Thor’s ex-girlfriend, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), back into the picture. Since their breakup in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor has been single and flirting with everyone. The comics, however, have seen Thor in several romantic relationships other than Jane.
Since 1962, Thor has been one of Marvel’s most famous characters. During that long history, he has been pictured in intimate moments with all kinds of women, including all the women in a village and his sister Hela who wanted a baby. Even though many count Thor as a ladies’ man, there have only been about 8 times where feelings were involved.
Here are all of Thor’s most significant relationships, ranked.
8. Enchantress
Amora the Enchantress is from Asgard and surrounds herself with the best of everything. Most of the time, she plays the role of villain and teams up with another evil Asgardian, Loki. Enchantress uses her magic and powers of seduction to bend others to her will. Several times she’s enchanted Thor into a “love affair.” Although he always comes out of the magic haze, Enchantress doesn’t ever really get in trouble for being super gross.
7. Lorelei
Like her sister Enchantress, Lorelei is an Asgardian with magical powers. She used her powers to convince Thor he was in love with her at the behest of Loki. It was part of Loki’s plan to make Thor crazy and Lorelei went along with it because she thought Thor was hot. But you know what is even hotter than Thor? Consent. In the end, Thor figured out he was under a spell and Lorelei fell in love with Loki.
6. Bloodaxe
Because comics are weird, Odin once fused Thor to the mortal earthling Eric Masterson. Masterson and Thor occupied the same body. So when Masterson lifted the hammer, Thor would take over and fight off any impending doom. Otherwise, Masterson tried to live his normal life when no bad guys lurked nearby. In his downtime, he dated a woman named Jackie Lukus. Unbeknownst to Thor or Masterson, Lukus was also the vigilante named Bloodaxe who often fought against Thor.
Bloodaxe had the powers of a kind of reverse Thor. Skurge the Executioner (played by Karl Urban in Thor: Ragnarok) put all of his evil into a battle ax. When Jackie Lukus picked up the ax on Earth, she transformed into a muscular, masked, powerful figure. This relationship only happened while Thor occupied the body and he may not have been actively involved.
5. Shawna Lynde
In the earlier days of Thor comics, Thor had a human alter ego named Dr. Donald Blake. During that time, Blake had a friend and a love interest named Shawna Lynde. The two went to medical school together and continued to work around each other as physicians. But when Donald Blake started transforming into Thor, she kind of got left standing at the sidelines.
4. Brunnhilde/Valkyrie
Brunnhilde/Valkyrie is an Asgardian warrior and leader of the Valkyrior. During one story, Odin punished Thor and Brunnhilde by making them mortals on Earth. The two fell in love and lived a happy life together, with no memories of their godly pasts. When Thor’s human form was killed, Brunnhilde went into the funeral pyre to be with him. Starting to feel weird about meddling in the affairs of others, Odin reinstated both of them as gods. Yet, he removed all recollections of their time together. It is kind of sad but Thor moved on and Brunnhilde is living it up in Valhalla with her girlfriend so I guess it all worked out.
3. She-Hulk
Yes, the same She-Hulk who is getting her own Disney Plus show has been romanced by the God of Thunder. In a more recent storyline in the comic books, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk was exposed to an additional dose of Gamma radiation. This made her Hulk form even bigger and ripped than before, but it made her more self-conscious.
Always interested in strong women, Thor made his interests known. They kissed several times and made their relationship official. Sadly, the love story kind of disappeared as the two characters went on separate adventures. Maybe we will get more She-Hulk bending down to kiss the shorter Thor in future stories.
2. Lady Sif
Sif, lady of Asgard, was Thor’s first love and betrothed. However, when she picked up a sword she became one of his most trusted warrior companions. Although they make perfect sense on paper as a romantic pair, they work better as friends. Sif has known Thor so long that she is one of the few not to take any of his nonsense. She is a powerful character on her own and now controls the Bifrost, she can’t be focused on Thor all the time. Even though I would be happy with more Thor/Sif stories, I am way more interested in Sif and Beta Ray Bill sailing off into space together.
1. Jane Foster
Jane Foster is the one who Thor can’t ever seem to quit. Their relationship started back when Thor was also Dr. Blake. Foster was his nurse, but eventually became more than that. Through the years the two would be together and then break up, but they remained very close. To her credit, she also became much more than a love interest. She became a doctor in her own right before taking Thor’s title and hammer from him. It is understandable that Thor seems to always be in her orbit. Her kindness, dedication to others, and unstoppable spirit make her unforgettable.
(feature image: Marvel Comics)
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