Mangawhero River, Manawatu-Wanganui - NZ Topo Map


NZ Topo Map is an interactive topographic map of New Zealand using the official LINZ's 1:50,000 / Topo50 and 1:250,000 / Topo250 maps.


Map last updated October 2024.

Mobile Apps

The following 3rd party apps are available allowing offline use of the topo maps:


This service wouldn't be possible without:

  • Map images and placenames sourced from LINZ.
  • Our regular sponsor Bivouac Outdoors who helps fund the site.

Service provided by Gavin Harriss. Need something similar? Get in contact.

A small donation
If you're finding the NZ Topo Map service useful please consider donating, no matter how small, it's greatly appreciated.

Why donate?
NZ Topo Map is developed and maintained in my spare time. Your donation will help cover the ongoing hosting and bandwidth costs required to keep this free service up and running. Donations also show your love and encourage me to development new functionality.

Thank you!

Donate now or make a direct bank deposit to 12-3148-0186183-00

Cryptocurrency is also welcome.

If your wallet complains that the SegWit address is invalid use the Legacy address instead.

An alternative win-win method of donating is to buy an Entertainment Membership. 20% of every membership sold contributes towards the costs of running NZ Topo Map.

Important Information

The following important information is taken directly from the maps legend:

  1. Representation on this map of a road or track does not necessarily indicate public right of access.
  2. Closed tracks or routes on this map are defined as being no longer maintained or passable and should not be used by recreationalists. The Department of Conservation or other authorities should be contacted for the latest information on tracks and huts.
  3. Not all aerial wires, cableways and obstructions that could be hazardous to aircraft are shown on this map.
  4. Contours and spot elevations in forest and snow areas may be less accurate.


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NZ Topo Map strives to provide you with useful, accurate, and timely information on this web site. Accordingly, NZ Topo Map has attempted to provide accurate information and materials on this web site but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of that information or materials. NZ Topo Map makes no commitment to update the information or materials on this web site which, as a result, may be out of date.

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  • administering, evaluating and improving the site
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