Air services in Western Australia

  • ️(
  • ️Thu Jun 20 2024

The Department of Transport (DoT) facilitates various regular consultation activities to be better informed and engaged with stakeholders and communities related to Regular Public Transport (RPT) air services for regional Western Australia.

Consultation on fully regulated air routes

The fully regulated RPT air routes to Albany, Esperance, Carnarvon, Monkey Mia, Laverton, Leonora, Mount Magnet, Meekatharra and Wiluna are operated under Deeds of Agreement between the airline and the State Government.  Under the Deeds DoT chairs two Aviation Community Consultation Group (CCG) meetings per year for each route. During the CCGs key stakeholders meet with DoT and the operating airline to discuss airline and route performance, initiatives and partnership opportunities. 

In addition, DoT chairs Stakeholder Meetings for the Derby – Broome air service and the Inter Regional Flight Network (IRFN) between Broome, Port Hedland, Karratha and Geraldton.

These discussions are vital in ensuring the air route’s long-term viability and to foster potential route growth. DoT engages with the airlines regularly in relation to any issues that may occur on the air routes.

Consultation on lightly regulated air routes

Airlines operating RPT services on lightly regulated routes in WA have a condition on their aircraft licence, requiring them to regularly engage with the regional communities they service, as well as providing data to the State Government.

DoT facilitates Regional Aviation Consultation Group (RACG) meetings in 10 regional towns associated with the lightly regulated routes including, Broome, Exmouth, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Karratha, Kununurra, Newman, Onslow, Paraburdoo/Tom Price and Port Hedland.

The RACG meetings are held annually to provide a forum for ongoing and direct collaboration between the State, airlines, local governments, private airport operators, tourism bodies, the resources sector, and other key stakeholders. The RACG meetings aim to identify opportunities for improving access to affordable airfares, air service recovery and route development opportunities.

Regional WA airfares and air travel survey 

Throughout March and April 2024, more than 41,000 regional residents were invited to have their say on airfares and air services within Western Australia as part of a survey to inform future Department of Transport regional aviation initiatives.

A letter was posted to households in towns with flights to and from Perth, inviting them to take part in the survey. Metropolitan and regional travellers were also surveyed online and in-person at Perth Airport. 

The research was conducted by Painted Dog Research on behalf of the Department of Transport.