Andrômeda | Tumblr
- ️Thu Feb 29 2024
- Last updated 2024-02-29
- Custom colors
- Custom images
- Day pages
- High res
- Localization
- Search
- Tags
- Custom font and font size. Just check the Google Fonts website, copy the font name and paste in the given field.
- Right sidebar option.
- Three custom post sizes: 450px, 500px and 540px.
- A custom sidebar description. You can write texts as long as you want.
- Personal information space: name, location, birthday, zodiac, pronouns and favorite song.
- Slide-out menu with up to six custom links and unlimited pages.
- Responsive.
- The link title field can be left blank if you don't want to show a link; same thing for personal information fields.
- Full credits list here
Theme support: