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csl 致力開拓NFC Mobile Payment 市場,現在更訂立一拍即付的新標準。csl 推出全新NFC SIM 卡,同時具有八達通及支援指定銀行的Mobile Payment 服務功能,從此出門就不用再帶一堆卡片甚至銀包,即可於本地盡享八達通的便捷,廣泛用途包括交通工具、泊車、商戶購物、自助販賣機及網上商店等;更可於本地及海外多個國家消費時使用Visa payWave* 及MasterCard®...
Carolyn Weston grew up in Hollywood during the Depression. She played hooky from school in movie theaters and libraries, honing the craft that would make her books so remarkable. During World War II, she...
In the crime-plagued future, the only thing standing between order and chaos is Judge Joseph Dredd (Sylvester Stallone). His duty: police the violent metropolitan sprawls that crowd the decaying earth, and kill criminals on the spot if necessary. The tables are turned, however, when maniacal ex-Judge Rico (Armand Assante) frames Dredd for murder. But, as his opponents soon discover, not even a prison sentence can stop Dredd from doling out his signature brand of justice.
Contents Giovanni Cassini discovered Rhea on Dec. 23, 1672. Rhea is the second largest moon of Saturn, but with a mean radius of 475 miles (764 kilometers) it is less than a third the radius of Saturn's...