Certified hardware | Ubuntu
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Ubuntu hardware
you can trust
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that's been rigorously tested
to ensure you get the best
Ubuntu experience
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The best Ubuntu experience is with certified hardware
Certified devices are tested for reliability and performance, ensuring you have the best out-of-the-box Ubuntu experiences.
Select trusted hardware
Explore the Ubuntu Certified catalogue to discover hardware from partners that fits your needs.
Lower costs
Simplify the implementation of your solutions by choosing reliable, certified hardware. Reduce operating system development and support costs.
Speed up go-to-market
Build on the combined expertise of Canonical and hardware partners to get your solution to market faster.
What we test
Canonical's certification team performs an extensive set of over 500 OS compatibility focused hardware tests to ensure the best Ubuntu experience. Every aspect of the system is checked and verified.
Our laboratories: testing on real hardware
Canonical conducts tests directly on the hardware in dedicated laboratories, located around the world. The “Ubuntu Certified” label is applied to systems that have been verified and are continuously tested by Canonical throughout the Ubuntu release life cycle. This approach allows Canonical to control the quality of the released updates on a point-by-point basis and ensures that users of certified hardware get the best experience.