
The United Nations and Decolonization |

United Nations and Decolonization: Past to Present

This animation video, produced in accordance with the mandate for dissemination of information on decolonization, highlights the UN’s path of decolonization since 1945, especially its commitment in eradicating colonialism towards our common future.

In the Spotlight

“It is my sincere commitment to uphold the principles and objectives of our mandate and to ensure that the eradication of colonialism remains a priority of the United Nations.”

Assistant Secretary-General Mr. Miroslav Jenča,

C-24 Chair Ambassador Menissa Rambally, and

Under-Secretary-General Mr. Movses Abelian,
at the opening session of the Decolonization Committee (C-24)
13 February 2025

Latest developments

  • The C-24 concluded its 2024 session and adopted 22 draft resolutions without a vote and one draft resolution with a vote.

  • The General Assembly adopted 21 resolutions and one decision on 7 December 2023.

  • The Fourth Committee adopted a total of 21 resolutions and one decision on decolonization during the General Assembly’s 78th session.

Secretary-General's message

“I urge all involved to strengthen dialogue towards achieving decolonization. Constructive discussions among all are essential to eradicating colonialism.”

The Chef de Cabinet, Mr. Courtenay Rattray,
delivering a statement on behalf of the
UN Secretary-General at the opening session
of the Decolonization Committee (C-24)
13 February 2025

Women in the Territories: Highlights

  • Saint Helena Legislative Council: 40 per cent of the 15 seats are held by women, including the Deputy Speaker. 
  • In the Cayman Islands Government, the Gender Affairs Unit is the focal point for gender mainstreaming and is responsible for sector-specific gender training, public education efforts, and gender-awareness training.
  • In the British Virgin Islands, the 2022-2023 Constitutional Review Commission was led by Mrs. Lisa Penn-Lettsome and included women as 47 percent of its Commissioners.