
HSG - Uni SG - Assessment Year in Economics and Law

  • ️Bachelor

The Assessment Year is the first year of undergraduate studies at HSG. In the course of this clearly structured year, you will acquire a wide range of foundational knowledge in the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Law.

The Assessment Year in Economics and Law is offered in two separate tracks, with instruction in either German or English. The main difference between the two is that the English track offers an economics specialization that allows for subsequent Bachelor's studies in Business Administration, Economics, International Affairs, or Law and Economics. The German track offers an additional option of a specialization in Law for students interested in pursuing Bachelor's studies in Law.

It is the student's responsibility to have sufficient language skills to successfully complete their studies. It is recommended that you have already reached at least level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in the respective track language before taking up your studies. The HSG Centre for Languages and Transcultural Communication offers the "Oxford English Placement Test" free for this purpose.

During your first two semesters at HSG, you will develop the necessary learning and working strategies as well as the professional basics of a successful study program. At the same time, the first year of studies helps to align university requirements and student expectations.

Course curriculum

Studies during the Assessment Year consist of core studies and contextual studies. Core studies are divided into contact studies and independent studies. They include the compulsory courses Business Administration, Economics and Law as well as the specialization in Mathematics (or Law II in German). Contextual studies consist of Skills, Cultural and Social Sciences, and Foreign Language.


You will be required to demonstrate your proficiency in the subjects with a variety of different types of examinations over the course of the Assessment Year. In addition to traditional comprehensive written examinations, there are also term papers, group projects, oral examinations and presentations to be completed.

Admission to the individual majors

Upon completing the Assessment Year with specialization in Economics, you can take up studies with majors in Business Administration, Economics, International Affairs, or Law and Economics. A specialization in Law is only offered in German, for students interested in pursuing studies with a major in Law. However, you may also change your specialization during your Bachelor's studies: In this case, you will have to complete the other specialization course (either Mathematics or Law II) of the Assessment Year as supplementary work.

Therefore, your decision regarding track language in the Assessment Year has little effect on your subsequent Bachelor's studies. However, the respective admission requirements of the individual majors must be observed.

Please note that transferring to the Bachelor's in Computer Science is only possible with successful completion of the separate Assessment Year in Computer Science.

Students who do not pass the Assessment Year may repeat it once, in its entirety. All examination parts need to be taken again. It is not possible to transfer any credits from a previous attempt, with the exception of the accountancy examination.