
Study and student associations | University of Twente

  • ️Mon Jan 09 2023

The campus will soon feel like your home. Especially if you join a study or student association.

Team sports, doing sports on your own or prefer to be creative and expressive? You will find dozens of sports and cultural student associations on campus. Do you prefer dealing with study-related topics? Each study programme has a study association that organises activities related to your programme.

Study associations

It is useful and above all great fun to join the study association of your study programme. This way, you can take part in varied educational and fun activities such as visiting symposia and study trips. You will get to know your fellow students better and the students in the years above you. Contacts that come in very handy when you run into something in your studies.

In addition, a study association offers various benefits such as discounts on your textbooks. It is also the place to relax between lectures with a free coffee and chat with friends. 

Student associations

You can also choose to join a student association. A student association is not tied to a particular study programme and offers you the ideal environment to meet new people alongside your studies. In Enschede, you will find dozens of cultural and sports associations, international and social associations, but also associations that have a lot of contacts with the business world, a debating club, an investment club and an academic consultancy. Which one do you feel at home with? 

  • On campus, you will find more than twenty cultural associations and the Vrijhof Cultural Centre. So you can count on a large, varied programme of theatre performances, exhibitions, jazz and pop concerts and film screenings. And that all year round.

    You can also attend workshops. Every trimester there is a new range of courses including workshops and master classes for drama, poetry and cabaret writing. The cultural centre organises courses in photography, drawing and painting, welding and much more. Are you musical? Studios, workshops and practice rooms are available and instruments, amplifiers and film equipment can be rented for free or for little money. 

  • Playing sports is a perfect way to unwind after college. No shortage of accommodation and opportunities: you can play almost every sport imaginable on campus. The sports centre has four sports halls, a gym, a dojo and an indoor swimming pool. For outdoor athletes, there are beach volleyball courts, a baseball field, a basketball platform, a 30-metre-high outdoor climbing wall, hockey and football fields (artificial turf), a floodlit and heated outdoor swimming pool, tennis courts and a 400-metre cinder track.

  • Overview of student associations in Enschede

    The University of Twente has over a hundred student associations, which is a lot to choose from. Have a look at the overview with categories to find an association which suits your interests. Which association appeals to you the most?

Get a UnionCard

To become a member of an association, you need the UnionCard. With the UnionCard, you can benefit from all kinds of extras, such as free swimming in Enschede, free use of pop studios or various sports and cultural courses.

Student Union

Student Union is the umbrella organisation for all student associations and ensures that your student time is the best it can be. Creating as many opportunities for students as possible is their mission. The Union has contacts with all kinds of parties, ranging from the smallest association to the UT Executive Board. If you want to organise an event or start a business, the Union will help you find the right contacts or cheap business space. The Student Union also manages grants and sponsorship funds for interesting projects. 

Do you have your own idea for a new association? Then Student Union can help you set it up.

Kick-In introduction period

Students call the Kick-In the best way to kick off your student life. is the official introduction period of the University of Twente. With fellow students, you form an introduction group with which you get to know the university, the campus and the city of Enschede in nine days.