Cardiff Airport asks for a £6.8m loan - on top of £21m it received last year
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- ️Tue Mar 03 2020
Welsh ministers have been asked to loan Cardiff Airport a further £6.8m, just one year after they approved a loan of £21.2m.
The airport, which the Welsh Government paid £52m for in 2013, posted losses of £18.5m last year with passenger numbers of 1.7m.
Bosses, including chairman Roger Lewis and chief executive Deborah Bowen Rees, will be grilled by AMs on Monday afternoon.
The additional loan would bring the total loaned by the Welsh Government to the airport up to £28m, the full sum it initially asked for last year.
The government is set out to conduct "analysis and financial due diligence" before any more funding is approved.
The loan would need to be paid back within 25 years, with repayments scheduled for March 2026, March 2030 and then every year afterwards until March 2044.
In a letter to an assembly committee, civil servant Andrew Slade said the money already loaned to the airport was being used to invest in infrastructure and route development as well as ensuring it continued to comply with regulations, such as the next generation of security screening.
He said it would also contribute to runway resurfacing, which would cost an estimated £4m to 35m.
The letter, addressed to the public accounts committee , also discusses the relevance of troubled airline Flybe.
Mr Slade, the director of the Welsh Government's economy, skill and natural resources department, said he "would anticipate" such a scenario "to be reflected" in the business plan produced by the airport.
He wrote: "Flybe is one of a number of regional airlines which operates from Cardiff Airport.
"It currently operates eight routes (two of which are operated during winter months only) and attracts between 320k and 340k passengers in a 12 month period.
"It has contributed significantly to the passenger growth at the airport over the last few years and, whilst difficult to quantify, it’s presence at Cardiff Airport provided the catalyst for attracting new airlines such as Qatar (which operates our first long haul route to the Middle East), along with the strengthening and increases in capacity offered by other regional air operators.
"For example, TUI recently announced an additional 30,000 seats to its summer 2020 timetable."
Welsh Conservative AM Russell George, who speaks on transport issues, said: “This is good money after bad.
“Just last year, the Welsh Government loaned the airport £21.2m, which was an extension to the £38.2m the airport could already borrow from the Government. The airport also posted a pre-tax loss in December of £18.5m, which was three times higher than the previous year.
“Tot up the purchase price of £52m, the current £38.2m loan, and last year’s £21.2m loan, and the airport could be in hock to the taxpayer to the tune of more than £110m since it was bought by the government in 2013.
“This is unsustainable, and we Welsh Conservatives will be paying even closer scrutiny to the airport, and how this Labour administration manages it, and the likelihood of this loan being granted.”
In his monthly press conference, the First Minister Mark Drakeford said that each decision is taken on a commercial basis.
"When these decisions are taken, they're taken on a business case - that is whether the investment would make a successful future for the airport. Where we are convinced that the future plans the airport is going to lead to a business success, we negotiate with them on commercial terms."
He said the Welsh Government would continued to deal with the airport, and when asked if he had concerns about their financial viability, he said that financial information released in December 2019 were not indicative of the trading position.
"You'll be aware that those figures reflect assets that Cardiff Airport have on their account and it's not a reflection of their trading position which is that they are £70,000 in profit".
When the First Minister was asked if he had concerns about the airport's future, he said the airport was now in a much stronger position than before the Welsh Government's intervention.
"There will come a point where the airport will need to be commercially viable".
A Welsh Government spokesperson said “The loan is subject to further analysis on the long term strategy for the airport.
"The loan will be repaid in full, with interest, and will support the delivery of Cardiff Airport’s ambitious growth plans.”