F-test calculator
Reference: Abramowitz and Stegun, page 946
A numerical solution of Fisher's F- probability
distribution is obtained when either DF1 or DF2 is
When both are even, use the smallest. When both are
uneven (odd) an approximate solution is to be found.
Pe = sn/2 [ 1 + n.t / 2 + n (n+2) t2 / 8 + n (n+2) (n+4) t3 / 48 + n (n+2 ) (n+4) (n+6) t4 / 384 . . . . . ]
s = n / (n+m.f), t = 1-s, m = DF1, n = DF2, f = F-test value determined from measurements.
Pe = probability of exceedance of the true F-test value over the reference (measured) F-test.
The series of denominators 2, 8, 48, 384 . . . equals the series 2, 2x4, 2x4x6, 2x4x6x8 . . .
The number of terms between the parentheses [ ] to be used is n / 2.
DF2 is evenPe = 1-tn/2 [ 1 + n.s / 2 + n (n+2) s2 / 8 + n (n+2) (n+4) s3 / 48 + n (n+2) (n+4) (n+6) s4 / 384 . . . . . ]
DF1 and DF2 are uneven (odd)The above equations for Pe are, apart of f, a function of m and n, and can be represented as Pe(m,n).
When DF1=m and DF2=n are both uneven (odd), the
ecxceedance probability Pe(m,n) can be approximated
by non linear interpolation between Pe(m,n-1) and
The interpolation can be done with a
weight factor (w):
Pe(m,n) = { w.Pe(m,n+1) + Pe(m,n-1) } / (1+w)
Using w=3 one finds a reasonable approximation.
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