
Tigers - WCS.org

The majestic tiger, once the top predator of nearly all of Asia's vast tropical and temperate forests, today faces a persistent suite of nearly overwhelming dangers in a vastly diminished range. Tigers are killed in huge numbers for their skins and bones or in retaliation for conflict with humans, their prey are killed by skilled hunters to feed an insatiable local luxury market for 'exotic' bushmeat, and their remaining forest habitats are relentlessly converted to human uses. In the face of these immense threats, WCS has developed a set of powerful strategies that has demonstrably increased tiger populations.

Our Goal

Multiple thriving populations of tigers across their range and in all the habitats in which they are found.

How will we get there?

To ensure a world with healthy populations of wild tigers, we strive to stop the killing and trafficking of tigers. Key strategies:

  • Protect tigers and their habitat.
  • Build capacity in range states.
  • Reduce human-tiger conflict.
  • Conduct scientific research on tigers to help inform conservation strategies.
  • Promote tiger-friendly policies.
  • Monitor tiger numbers, population trends, and threats to tigers and their habitats.

Bhutan Tiger Summit

We have the recipe for tiger conservation success. Now we need the means to do it. That is the subject of an important tiger summit April 22–23, 2024.

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Why WCS?

50+ percent

We collaborate with local governments to conserve greater than 50% of the world’s remaining wild tigers.

75+ percent

WCS is a leader in both tiger conservation and tiger science. WCS scientists have been responsible for over 75% of all peer-reviewed published tiger research.

8 range states

WCS works to conserve tigers in 8 of the 10 remaining range states in Asia.

Photo Credit: ©Steve Winter/National Geographic Creative

On Our Strategies

Protecting Tigers and Their Habitat

WCS provides key technical support to local governments regarding tigers that assists in the creation and expansion of dozens of protected areas (PAs) across Asia, thereby protecting thousands of square kilometers of tiger habitat. In addition, WCS provides technical support and intelligence to park rangers and local enforcement agencies that enables the capture of hundreds of illegal poachers and traffickers of tigers and their prey.

Photo Credit: Julie Larsen Maher © WCS

Conducting Scientific Research on Tigers to Help Inform Conservation Strategies

WCS scientists collaborate with both the world's leading wildlife statisticians and local governments to create incisive, impactful tiger science, such as writing the manual on tiger and prey population monitoring that is used across all tiger range states in Asia.

Human-Tiger Conflict Mitigation

Tigers are dangerous animals that can kill domestic livestock and even humans. Furthermore, such conflict can erode public support for tigers. Wherever tigers become embroiled in serious conflict with humans, WCS operates human-tiger conflict mitigation teams that demonstrably and dramatically reduce damages to both tigers and humans.


In Action

WCS has been working to protect wild tigers in Western Thailand's Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary since 2004. As a result of our efforts in this region, the population of wild tigers has increased by 50% and the Thai government has increased its commitment to managing the sanctuary by 75%. The area now serves as a national model for tiger recovery, and WCS's tactics are being replicated in neighboring protected areas.

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