
Networks News and Views for the World • The Register

iPhone tops US market, but trounced by Android in world+dog

UK smartphoners prefer Android, but not as much as their EU brethren

Mobile 21 Dec 20:35

'Shake to charge', similar crapps foul up Amazon Android store

Thrown out of Google Play, now back in another bazaar

Mobile 21 Dec 18:03

BT ordered to pay £95m to rivals it overcharged for FIVE years

Backhaul rates unjustified, rules Ofcom

Networks 21 Dec 14:36

BT's 4G bid WON'T lead to mobile network launch

It's a low-powered red herring

Networks 21 Dec 12:33

'Instagram, you were my favourite app and you stabbed me in the back'

Quotw Plus: 'The rules are inconvenient, don't make sense and lack a scientific basis'

Networks 21 Dec 11:02

Take a number, says new social network

Anonymous colonises 'Social Number', where you're a number not a name

Networks 21 Dec 03:11

Samsung still faces EU antitrust charges, says official

Dropping its anti-Apple injunction requests didn't distract regulators

Mobile 21 Dec 00:34

SPUDS ON A PLANE! Boeing boosts in-flight Wi-Fi with tater tech

Vid And no sign of Samuel L. Jackson

Networks 20 Dec 15:22

Cameron defends U-turn on web filth ban, leaves filtering to parents

'Crude' ISP-level censorship WON'T work, says PM

Broadband 20 Dec 13:04

US patent office: Nice try Apple, but pinch-to-zoom is NOT a new invention

MMMM...How'd that rounded corners thing get through?

Mobile 20 Dec 12:02

Sharp-elbowed BT dives into 4G spectrum auction

Oi, mobile players, gerroff

Mobile 20 Dec 11:10

High-powered luvvies given new radio home: 'But DON'T disturb the neighbours'

Stars on the ground outrank stars in the sky

Networks 20 Dec 07:02

Japanese firm lifts lid on Android-controlled toilet

Vid iOS fanbois must cross their legs and wait

Mobile 20 Dec 05:30

Yahoo! China! kills! music! search! service!

Plans to sink pirates’ deep links

Networks 20 Dec 01:42

ICANN'T believe it's not Apple: Vatican wins domain-handout lottery

Cupertino must wait a year as GTLD application order announced

Hosting 19 Dec 17:42

Apple: What do our Maps need? Stalk-yer-buddies Foursquare tech, NATCH!

Why go down the old 'make better maps' route?

Mobile 19 Dec 16:03

Samsung grabs 'World's biggest handset-maker' title off Nokia

'The coffee mugs too, mate. Hand 'em over...'

Mobile 19 Dec 13:59

Nasdaq's RIM shot: BlackBerry maker ejected from top 100

Canadians forced to hang out with Netflix, EA

Mobile 19 Dec 09:27

Swedish teens GO BERSERK in Instagram sex pic slut riot

City trashed after web slurs, dodgy filters enrage kids

Networks 19 Dec 07:10

Report: US telcos cashing in on data caps and poor competition

Internet development hurt by artificial scarcity

Networks 18 Dec 20:57

Samsung drops five European anti-Apple injunction requests

Legal maneuvers circle $346bn pie

Mobile 18 Dec 17:55

Facebook: 'No merit' to claim we broke German privacy law

You don't like our real-names rule? Tough cookies, bitch

Networks 18 Dec 15:34

Dutch operators: Ugh, we really overdid it on the 4G last night...

Punters wake up with empty wallets after spectrum auction

Mobile 18 Dec 14:02

Morgan Stanley cops $5m fine over Facebook IPOcalypse

Lead bank buddy settles improper conduct claims

Networks 18 Dec 13:31

Judge: There'll be no US Samsung ban, BUT no new trial with Apple either

Lucy 'the Enforcer' Koh - Now you kids behave yourselves now...

Mobile 18 Dec 12:02

END OF THE WORLD IS NIGH: TalkTalk no longer worst ISP in UK

This just in... Mayans really were onto something

Broadband 18 Dec 11:29

Hard-up Brit bankers bag endless free Wi-Fi during cig breaks

Slickers know how to spend other people's money

Networks 18 Dec 10:58

BT wins another HUGE gov-funded rural broadband deal

2016 waiting game for 140k homes, biz in Herefordshire and Gloucestershire

Broadband 18 Dec 10:02

DARPA planning 100 Gbps wireless

Seeks interest in development and demonstrations

Networks 18 Dec 00:34

Sorry, Apple - China's just not that into your iPhone 5

Still, 2 million sales in 3 days nothing to sneer at

Mobile 17 Dec 17:04

Look out, Flash! Phase-change RAM IS HERE ... in Nokia mobiles

I, for one, welcome our new amorphous blob overlords

Mobile 17 Dec 16:29

ITU to treaty haters: Enjoy your pricey roaming, boatloads of spam... suckers

WCIT2012 You'll be back, just you wait, say telecoms charter bods

Networks 17 Dec 13:03

Samsung mobes pwned by ANY APP, thanks to chip code hole

Cluster of Exynos-powered Galaxies and other gear at risk

Mobile 17 Dec 06:19

Report says Cisco offloading Linksys

Barclays hired to do the deed

Networks 17 Dec 02:34

Terrible reception for Oz spectrum auction

Conroy calls it 'waterfront property', telcos call it a rip-off

Networks 16 Dec 23:35

Dutch script kiddie pwns 20,000 Twitter profiles

How much do you have in common with the other lusers?

Networks 14 Dec 16:58

UK.gov backs away from ISP level filtering plan to protect kids

Parents, keeping your broadband clean is up to you

Networks 14 Dec 14:25

UN telecoms talks FOUNDER as US, UK, Canada and Aussies quit

WCIT2012 Let's not talk about the internet - but we had to

Networks 14 Dec 12:22

The best smartphones for Christmas

So many great handsets, so little time...

reghardware 14 Dec 08:00

Google gives fat fingers the flick before they click

Mobile ads are often a mistake

Mobile 14 Dec 00:20

US Immigration service won't drop BlackBerry after all

BlackBerry 10 pilot program could save RIM jobs

Mobile 13 Dec 23:34