contributor to the creative work or subject

person or organization that contributed to a subject: co-creator of a creative work or subject

  • assistant
  • contributor
  • collaborator
  • contributor(s) to the subject
  • creative contributor
Language Label Description Also known as
default for all languages

No label defined


    contributor to the creative work or subject

    person or organization that contributed to a subject: co-creator of a creative work or subject

    • assistant
    • contributor
    • collaborator
    • contributor(s) to the subject
    • creative contributor

    Data type


    Use more specific properties if appropriate. For primary authors or creators of individual works, books, chapters, etc. use P50, P170, P86, etc. (English)

    Wenn möglich bitte spezifischere Eigenschaft verwenden! Für Hauptautoren oder Ersteller individueller Arbeiten, Bücher, Kapitel, etc.: (German)

    必要に応じて、より具体的なプロパティを使用します。個々の作品、書籍、章などの主要な著者または作成者については「著者 (P50)」、「作者 (P170)」、「作曲者 (P86)」などを使用します。 (Japanese)
