Wikidata property for an identifier

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Wikidata property to identify something in an external source

  • Wikidata properties representing a unique identifier
  • Wikidata property representing a unique identifier
  • Wikidata property for a unique identifier
  • Wikidata property for an external identifier
  • identifier property
  • unique identifier
  • external-id
Language Label Description Also known as
default for all languages

No label defined


    Wikidata property for an identifier

    Wikidata property to identify something in an external source

    • Wikidata properties representing a unique identifier
    • Wikidata property representing a unique identifier
    • Wikidata property for a unique identifier
    • Wikidata property for an external identifier
    • identifier property
    • unique identifier
    • external-id


    instances of this item and its subclasses should include all properties of datatype external-identifier (English)

    bu ögenin örnekleri ve alt sınıfları, veri türünün tüm özelliklerini içermelidir. dış tanımlayıcı (Turkish)

    此项及其子类的实例应包含所有数据类型外部标识符的属性 (Simplified Chinese)