to be used in "sex or gender" (P21) to indicate that the human subject is a female or "semantic gender" (P10339) to indicate that a word refers to a female person
- woman
- human female
- female person
- lady
- female human
- fairer sex
- female gender
- fem
- f
- women
- girl
- girls
- female character
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | female |
to be used in "sex or gender" (P21) to indicate that the human subject is a female or "semantic gender" (P10339) to indicate that a word refers to a female person |
♀ (no linguistic content)
use with Property:P21 sex or gender. For groups of females use with subclass of (P279) (English)
usar con la propiedad P21 sexo o género. Para grupos femeninos usar con subclase de (P279) (Spanish)
k použití s P21 (pohlaví). Pro skupiny žen použijte nadtřída (P279) (Czech)
використовувати з властивістю: "стать (P21)". Для групи жінок використовувати "є підкласом класу (P279)" (Ukrainian)
Usar coa propiedade P21 sexo. Para grupos de mulleres usar coa (P279) (Galician)
Usar cola propiedá P21, sexu o xéneru. Pa grupos de muyeres usar con subclase de (P279) (Asturian)
używać z Właściwością:P21 - płeć. Dla grup kobiet użyj we właściwości podklasa (P279) (Polish)
1 reference
Woman | Mogai Genders Wiki | Fandom (English)