artificial intelligence researcher

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researcher in the field of artificial intelligence

  • AI researcher
  • artificial intelligence scholar
  • AI scholar
Language Label Description Also known as
default for all languages

No label defined


    artificial intelligence researcher

    researcher in the field of artificial intelligence

    • AI researcher
    • artificial intelligence scholar
    • AI scholar


    chercheuse en intelligence artificielle (French)

    investigadora de la inteligencia artificial (Spanish)

    kunstmatige intelligentie-onderzoekster (Dutch)

    חוקרת בינה מלאכותית (Hebrew)

    pesquisadora de inteligência artificial (Brazilian Portuguese)

    Fuerscherin an der kënschtlecher Intelligenz (Luxembourgish)

    investigadora d'intel·ligència artificial (Catalan)

    Forscherin um künstliche Intelligenz (German)

    investigador en intelixencia artificial (Galician)

    investigadora de la intelixencia artificial (Asturian)

    výzkumnice na poli umělé inteligence (Czech)

    باحثة في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي (Arabic)

    artefaritinteligenca sciencistino (Esperanto)

    дасьледчыца штучнага інтэлекту (Belarusian (Taraškievica orthography))

    badaczka sztucznej inteligencji (Polish)

    investigadora de inteligência artificial (Portuguese)

    исследовательница искусственного интеллекта (Russian)

    dirbtinio intelekto tyrinėtoja (Lithuanian)

    Fuerscher an der kënschtlecher Intelligenz (Luxembourgish)

    chercheur en intelligence artificielle (French)

    dirbtinio intelekto tyrinėtojas (Lithuanian)

    Artificial intelligence researchers
