Henry Pye MP (1709-1766) | WikiTree FREE Family Tree

  • ️Thu May 18 2023

Born 29 Jul 1709 in Berkshire, Englandmap

Ancestors ancestors

Died 2 Mar 1766 at age 56 [location unknown]


Profile last modified 18 May 2023 | Created 11 Mar 2020

This page has been accessed 270 times.


Henry Pye was born on the 29th of July 1709, probably at Faringdon in Berkshire, son of Henry Pye and his second wife, Ann Bathurst. [1] He was educated at Baliol College, Oxford. [1]

In about 1743 he married Mary James, daughter of the Reverend David James, Rector of Woughton in Buckinghamshire. [1] They were parents of a daughter and three sons. [1]

On the 26th of November 1746 he was returned to the 1741 Parliament as member for Berkshire to replace Winchcomb Howard Packer who had died and was returned in his own right at the General Election held the following year. [2] Thereafter he was returned in 1754 and 1761. [3] He is not known to have spoken in Parliament and only one vote of his is recorded. [1]

Henry died on the 2nd of March 1766 laving his son, Henry James, an estate encumbered with £50,000 debt. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 History of Parliament online 1754-1790: PYE, Henry (1709-66), of Faringdon, Berks
  2. History of Parliament online 1715-1754: Berkshire
  3. History of Parliament online 1754-17590: Berkshire

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