
About Our Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory Collection -AHI | Wisconsin Historical Society

  • ️Wed Sep 05 2012

Resource Description

About Our Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory (AHI)

The Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory (AHI) is a digital source of information on more than 151,000 historic buildings, structures, and objects throughout Wisconsin. Each property has a digital record providing basic information about the property and most include exterior images.

The majority of properties listed in the AHI are privately owned and not open to the public. Their inclusion in AHI conveys no special status such as National Register designation, rights or benefits for owners of these properties. Please respect the rights of private property owners when visiting any of these properties.

A wide range of historic properties are represented such as the round barns, log houses, metal truss bridges, small town commercial buildings, and Queen Anne houses that reflect Wisconsin's distinct cultural landscape.

The AHI, assembled over a period of more than 40 years from a wide variety of sources, does not represent all old Wisconsin buildings and structures. In many cases, the information may be outdated and some properties may be altered or no longer exist. The inventory is continually added to as properties become historic.

Most properties became a part of the AHI as a result of a systematic architectural and historical survey.  From its beginning in the mid-1970s until 1980, reconnaissance surveys were conducted by summer students. Starting in 1980, intensive surveys were funded by subgrants and conducted by professional historic preservation consultants.

Property images are digitized, in part, through the support of a Preserve America grant administered by the National Park Service, Department of the Interior.

How the Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory is Organized


The Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory (AHI) is fully digitized and searchable on our website by selecting a variety of parameters such as year, community, architectural style and historic use.


Some properties may have additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information not included in the digital record. If a property has additional materials, its record will indicate in the Additional Information Field that a Site File exists for the property.

Have Questions?

Contact Leah Penzkover 608-261-9582 or leah.penzkover@wisconsinhistory.org to view the Site File at the Wisconsin Historical Society in Madison. Materials are not available at the Wisconsin Historical Society Library or Archives.

Help Update this Collection

We need your help to keep the AHI accurate and current.

To create a new AHI property record or to correct erroneous or outdated information on an existing AHI property record, contact Leah Penzkover by email and include the following information in your update request: AHI number (for existing records), information to be added or changed and your source information.

Email Leah Penzkover

When providing information about a historical fact, such as the story of a historic event or the name of an architect, be sure to list your sources. We will only create or update a property record if we can verify that your submission is factual and accurate.