
Adityapurana, Aditya-Purana, Ādityapurāṇa: 7 definitions

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Adityapurana means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article.

Purana and Itihasa (epic history)

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index

Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण).—An upapurāṇa.*

  • * Matsya-purāṇa 53. 63-4.

Source: Shodhganga: The saurapurana - a critical study

Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण) refers to both an independent Purāṇa, as well as another name for the Saurapurāṇa (according to the manuscript from the Ānandāśrama Sanskrit Series).—In this manuscript the work is called Āditvapurāṇa in some of the chapter-colophons, the colophon of the last chapter running thus: “iti śri āditva purāṇe mānavīya saṃhitāvāṃ brahmāṇḍagolokavarṇanaṃ nāma pañcaṣaṣṭhitamo dhyāyaḥ”. In the remaining chapter colophons as well as in the body of the first and the 64th chapter the work is called Saurapurāṇa.

Another manuscript mentioned in India office catalogue by Eggeling consists of 64 chapters and is practically the same as the Berlin manuscript but contains no chapter on brahmāṇḍagolokavarṇana. In the chapter-colophons the work is called Ādityapurāṇa 13 times, Saurapurāṇa 43 times and Sūryapurāṇa 7 times while one gives no title. In the body of the last chapter i.e. chapter 64, the work is called Saurapurāṇa.

Thus from the manuscripts it is known that the work is called Saurapurāṇa, Āditvapurāṇa and Sūryapurāṇa. It may be pointed out that the Saurapurāṇa is not to be confused with the Ādityapurāṇa. because the latter is an independent Purāṇa, whose manuscript is not yet available. [...] But the connection of the Saurapurāṇa with the Ādityapurāṇa however seems to be based on a verse from the Saurapurāṇa 1.6 in which the sages ask Sūta to tell them how Āditya declared the Saurapurāṇa. So it is clear that the title Ādityapurāṇa must not be applied to the Saurapurāṇa whenever the commentators and nibandha-writers have to refer to or draw upon the Saurapurāṇa they always do so under the title “Saurapurāṇa”.

Purana book covercontext information

The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. The eighteen mahapuranas total over 400,000 shlokas (metrical couplets) and date to at least several centuries BCE.

Sanskrit dictionary

Source: DDSA: The practical Sanskrit-English dictionary

Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण).—Name of an Upapurāṇa.

Derivable forms: ādityapurāṇam (आदित्यपुराणम्).

Ādityapurāṇa is a Sanskrit compound consisting of the terms āditya and purāṇa (पुराण).

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Aufrecht Catalogus Catalogorum

1) Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण) as mentioned in Aufrecht’s Catalogus Catalogorum:—W. 325 ([fragmentary]). Khn. 24. B. 2, 2. 36. Tu7b. 15. Bik. 182. Kāṭm. 2. NW. 454. Burnell. 187^b. 203^a. Gu. 3. P. 9. Bhk. 14. Poona. 339. Ii, 58. 59. Oppert. Ii, 2808. 4477. 5430. 5724. 6627. 6878. 7488. Rice. 70. Peters. 3, 390. Ādityapurāṇe Girijākalyāṇa. Taylor. 1, 435.
—Naivedyaprasādamāhātmya. Rice. 86.
—Putrakāmakṛṣṇapañcamīvrata. W. p. 135.
—Putrasaptamīvratakathā. Ben. 56.
—Mānavīyasaṃhitā. Burnell. 203^a. W. 1526.
—Veṅkaṭeśamāhātmya. Rice. 88.
—Śravaṇadvādaśīvratakathā. Bhk. 17.

Ādityapurāṇa has the following synonyms: Sūryapurāṇa.

2) Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण):—Stein 199 (inc.). Ādityapurāṇe Śravaṇadvādaśīmāhātmya. Stein 199.

3) Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण):—Ulwar 766. Ādityapurāṇe Gopīpremāmṛta. Ulwar 785.

Ādityapurāṇa has the following synonyms: Sūryapurāṇa.

4) Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण):—Peters. 5, 168. 169 (25 Adhyāyāḥ). This and all numbers given in Cc. I in the five first lines under the heading of Ādityapurāṇa belong to the Saurapurāṇa. Ādityapurāṇe Veṅkaṭeśamāhātmya. Bc 317.

Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: Monier-Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary

Ādityapurāṇa (आदित्यपुराण):—[=āditya-purāṇa] [from āditya > ā-diteya] n. Name of an Upapurāṇa.

[Sanskrit to German]

Adityapurana in German

context information

Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin.

Partial matches: Aditya, Puraana, Purana.

Full-text: Manavasamhita, Manaviyasamhita, Shravanadvadashivratakatha, Suryapurana, Naivedyaprasadamahatmya, Putrasaptamivratakatha, Girijakalyana, Gopipremamrita, Venkateshamahatmya, Shravanadvadashimahatmya, Kailasasamhita, Saurapurana, Upapurana, Aditya, Purana, Sukhasuptika, Vira.

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Item last updated: 24 October, 2024