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Text Analysis Hebrew TextsParallel VersesNew American Standard Bible The rich man is wise in his own eyes, But the poor who has understanding sees through him.King James BibleThe rich man is wise in his own...
(ꯎꯆꯦꯛ ꯂꯥꯡꯃꯩꯗꯣꯡ ꯗꯒꯤ ꯑꯃꯨꯛꯍꯟꯂꯛꯄ) ꯎꯆꯦꯛ ꯂꯥꯡꯃꯩꯗꯣꯡ ꯎꯆꯦꯛ ꯂꯥꯡꯃꯩꯗꯣꯡ ꯐꯨꯡꯒꯥ ꯋꯥꯔꯤ ꯃꯃꯤꯡ ꯎꯆꯦꯛ ꯂꯥꯡꯃꯩꯗꯣꯡꯑꯇꯣꯞꯄ ꯃꯃꯤꯡ ꯆꯦꯛꯂꯥ ꯂꯥꯡꯃꯩꯇꯣꯡ ꯑꯀꯨꯞꯄ ꯋꯥꯔꯣꯜAarne-Thompson Grouping:ꯅꯠꯇꯦ ꯫ꯂꯤꯅ-ꯋꯥꯔꯤ ꯃꯤꯇꯩ ꯃꯤ ꯂꯥꯢ ꯇꯤꯟꯒꯤ ꯋꯥꯔꯤ (ꯃꯩꯇꯩ ꯃꯤ ꯂꯥꯢ...
When do you start your seeds indoors? Sow too early, and the plants may be ready to leave their pots before it’s warm enough outside. Sow seeds too late, and they won’t have enough time to reach maturity....