Judaism |

pt. 1. What Jews generally believe

That's funny, you don't look Jewish : who's a Jew and why

It's all one : Judaism and God

A never-ending Torah : the unfolding of a tradition

A path of blessing : Judaism as a daily practice

Jewish mysticism

Ethical challenges

pt. 2. From womb to womb: The life cycle

In the beginning : birth and bris

Coming of age : the Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Get me to the chuppah on time : weddings

Stepping through the valley : the shadow of death

pt. 3. An overview of Jewish history

Let my people go : from Abraham to Exodus

The kings of Israel : the First Temple

Bracketed by exile : the Second Temple

The exiles continue : the first millennium

The greatest horror, the greatest triumph

Jewish Buddhists and other challenges of the new age

The problem of anti-Semitism

pt. 4. Celebrations and holy days

A taste of paradise : Shabbat

In with the new : Rosh Hashanah

Getting serious : Yom Kippur

The great outdoors : Sukkot

Seeking light in dark times : Chanukkah

Celebrating renewal : Tu B'Shvat

A Jewish carnival : Purim

From groan to glee : Passover

Spring is busting out all over : Shavuot

A day of mourning : Tisha B'Av

pt. 5. The part of tens

Ten people who helped shape Judaism

Answers to ten common questions about Judaism

pt. 6. Appendixes

Oy vey! and other words you should know

A sampler of Jewish prayers and blessings

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