The development of arithmetic concepts and skills : constructing adaptive expertise |

Electronic books

1 online resource (xxi, 494 pages) : illustrations

9781410607218, 9780805831559, 9780805831566, 9780814106075, 1410607216, 080583155X, 0805831568, 0814106072


Contents: G. Hatano, Foreword. A.J. Baroody, A. Dowker, Preface. A.J. Baroody, The Development of Adaptive Expertise and Flexibility: The Integration of Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge. R. Cowan, Does It All Add Up? Changes in Children's Knowledge of Addition Combinations, Strategies, and Principles. A.J. Baroody, S.H. Tiilikainen, Two Perspectives on Addition Development. A.J. Baroody, J.L.M. Wilkins, S.H. Tiilikainen, The Development of Children's Understanding of Additive Commutativity: From Protoquantitative Concept to General Concept? K-H. Seo, H.P. Ginsburg, "You've Got to Carefully Read the Math Sentence...": Classroom Context and Children's Interpretations of the Equals Sign. B. Butterworth, N. Marschesini, L. Girelli, Basic Multiplication Combinations: Passive Storage or Dynamic Reorganization? J-A. LeFevre, B.L. Smith-Chant, K. Hiscock, K.E. Daley, J. Morris, Young Adults' Strategic Choices in Simple Arithmetic: Implications for the Development of Mathematical Representations. I.T. Miura, Y. Okamoto, Language Supports for Mathematics Understanding and Performance. A. Dowker, Young Children's Estimates for Addition: The Zone of Partial Knowledge and Understanding. K.C. Fuson, B.H. Burghardt, Multidigit Addition and Subtraction Methods Invented in Small Groups and Teacher Support of Problem Solving and Reflection. R. Ambrose, J-M. Baek, T.P. Carpenter, Children's Invention of Multidigit Multiplication and Division Algorithms. C. Donlan, The Early Numeracy of Children With Specific Language Impairments. N. Jordan, L.B. Hanich, H.Z. Uberti, Mathematical Thinking and Learning Difficulties. M. Delazer, Neuropsychological Findings on Conceptual Knowledge of Arithmetic. L. Heavey, Arithmetical Savants. J. Bisanz, Arithmetical Development: Commentary on Chapters 1 through 8 and Reflections on Directions. D.C. Geary, Arithmetical Development: Commentary on Chapters 9 through 15 and Future Directions.