The dinosaur heresies : new theories unlocking the mystery of the dinosaurs and their extinction |
The conquering cold-bloods: a conundrum : Brontosaurus in the Great Hall at Yale
Wyoming reverie: meditation on the geological text
Mesozoic class warfare: cold-bloods versus the fabulous furballs
Dinosaurs score where Komodo dragons fail
The habitat of the dinosaurs : The case of the brontosaurus: finding the body
Gizzard stones and brontosaur menus
The case of the duckbill's hand
Dinosaurs at table
When dinosaurs invented flowers
Defense, locomotion, and the case for warm-blooded dinosaurs : The Teutonic diplodocus: a lesson in gait and carriage
Mesozoic arms race
Defense without armor
Dinosaurs take to the air
Archaeopteryx paternity suit: the dinosaur-bird connection
The warm-blooded metronome of evolution : Sex and intimidation: the body language of dinosaurs
The warm-blooded tempo of the dinosaurs' growth
Strong hearts, stout lungs, and big brains
Eaters and eaten as the test of warm-bloodedness
Dynastic frailty and the pulses of animal history : Punctuated equilibrium: the evolutionary timekeeper
The Kazanian Revolution: setting the stage for the Dinosauria
The twilight of the dinosaurs
Dinosaurs have class