Men and dinosaurs : the search in field and laboratory |
The first discoveries: Early glimmerings ; William Buckland and megalosaurus ; Gideon Mantell and iguanadon ; The Maidstone iguanadon
Dinosaurs come to life: Richard Owen and the Dinosauria ; The Crystal Palace dinosaurs ; The Connecticut Valley footprints of Edward Hitchcock ; Joseph Leidy and hadrosaurus ; The Paleozoic Museum in Central Park
Skeletons in the earth: The iguanadonts of Bernissart ; Louis Dollo, student of iguanadon ; Marsh and Cope ; Como Bluff ; Cope in Montana ; Marsh's Cretaceous dinosaurs
Two evolutionary streams: The increase of dinosaurs. Huxley, dinosaurs, and birds ; The classifications of Cope and Marsh ; Harry Govier Seeley and dinosaurian duality ; Friedrich von Huene and Franz Nopcsa
The oldest dinosaurs: Triassic rocks and fossils ; The plateosaurs of Trossingen ; Richard Swann Lull and the Connecticut Valley dinosaurs ; The little dinosaurs of New Mexico ; Early dinosaurs in the Southern Hemisphere
Jurassic giants of the western world: Osborn and his associates ; Bone Cabin ; Earl Douglass and his Great Quarry ; Andrew Carnegie's diplodocus ; The work comes to an end ; Charles Whitney Gilmore ; Dinosaur National Monument ; Howe Quarry
Canadian dinosaur rush: The Red Deer River ; The Sternbergs : father and son ; Barnum Brown ; Floating downriver with Brown ; The Sternberg explorations ; Dinosaurs with skin ; Final years on the river
Asiatic dinosaur rush: Roy ANdrews looks to Central Asia ; Walter Granger ; First discoveries ; The Flaming Cliffs ; The interim years : and their results ; Russian explorations ; The Great Nemegetu Basin ; Mongols and Poles
Below the Equator: The first African dinosaurs ; Robert Broom ; The successors of Broom ; Tendaguru ; The dinosaurs of Patagonia ; Von Huene in Brazil ; Dinosaurs down under
Closing the circle: The Arctic iguanadon ; Closing the circle