Predatory dinosaurs of the world : a complete illustrated guide |
The life and evolution of predatory dinosaurs : Getting to know predatory dinosaurs
Life-styles of the big and powerful, and the small and fierce too
A history of predatory dinosaur success and failure, and of their avian descendants
The nuts and bolts of predatory dinosaur anatomy and action
A quick look at predatory dinosaur footprints
Predatory dinosaur speed
Warm or cool predatory dinosaurs?
The genealogy and nomenclature of predatory dinosaurs and birds
The beginnings of bird flight: from the ground up or the trees up?
The catalog of predatory dinosaurs : An explanation of the catalog : Skeletal muscle and life restorations ; Explanation of the data synopses
The predatory dinosaurs : Primitive paleodinosaurs ; Bird-mimicking herrerasaurs ; Theropod multitudes : Paleotheropods : Early paleotheropods ; Late paleotheropods. Birdlike avetheropods : Early avetheropods ; The allosaur-tyrannosaur group ; Protobirds: flying and nonflying
Predatory dinosaur energetics
Predatory dinosaur populations