Encyclopedia of chemical technology |

Reference works

volumes <1-25> : illustrations ; 26 cm

9780471526698, 9780471526926, 9780471526704, 9780471526711, 9780471526728, 9780471526735, 9780471526742, 9780471526759, 9780471526964, 9780471526957, 9780471526803, 9780471526780, 9780471526773, 9780471526766, 9780471526810, 9780471526827, 9780471526834, 9780471526841, 9780471526858, 9780471526865, 9780471526872, 9780471526889, 9780471526896, 9780471526902, 9780471526919, 9780471526933, 9780471526940, 047152669X, 0471526924, 0471526703, 0471526711, 047152672X, 0471526738, 0471526746, 0471526754, 0471526967, 0471526959, 0471526800, 0471526789, 0471526770, 0471526762, 0471526819, 0471526827, 0471526835, 0471526843, 0471526851, 047152686X, 0471526878, 0471526886, 0471526894, 0471526908, 0471526916, 0471526932, 0471526940


volume 1. A to alkaloids

volume 2. Alkanolamines to antibiotics (glycopeptides)

volume 3. Antibiotics to batteries

volume 4. Bearing materials to carbon

volume 5. Carbon and graphite fibers to chlorocarbons and chlorohydrocarbons-C

volume 8. Deuterium and tritium to elastomers, polyethers

volume 9. Elastomers, polyisoprene to expert systems

volume 10. Explosives and propellants to flame retardants for textiles

volume 12. Fuel resources to heat stabilizers

volume 14. Imaging technology to lanthanides

volume 15. Lasers to mass spectrometry

volume 16. Mass transfer to neuroregulators

volume 17. Nickel and nickel alloys to paint

volume 18. Paper to pigment dispersions

volume 19. Pigments to powders, handling

volume 20. Power generation to recycling, glass

Index. vols. 13-16

Index. vols. 17-20

Index. vols. 21-24

volume 22. Silicon compounds to succinic acid and succinic anhydride

volume 23. Sugar to thin films

volume 24. Thioglycolic acid to vinyl polymers

volume 25. Vitamins to zone refining

Index volumes 1-25 and supplement


At head of title: Kirk-Othmer

"A Wiley-Interscience publication."

Includes supplement volume issued in 1998 and separately published index volumes for v. <1-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20; 21-24; 1-25; in 7>

At head of title, Kirk-Othmer.