熱力学 | WorldCat.org
ルイス, ランドル ; ピッツアー, ブルワー改訂 ; 三宅彰, 田所佑士訳., Gilbert Newton Lewis, Merle Randall, Kenneth S. Pitzer, Leo Brewer, 三宅彰., 田所佑士. / Ruisu, Randoru ; Pittsā, Buruwā kaitei ; Miyake Akira, Tadokoro Yūji yaku, Akira Miyake, Yūji Tadokoro
Print Book, Japanese, 1971
岩波書店, Tōkyō, 1971
xvii, 751 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
Translation of the second edition of "Thermodynamics" by G.N. Newton and M. Randall, revised by K.S. Pitzer and L. Brewer : New York : McGrawhill, 1961