The church according to the New Testament : what the wisdom and witness of early Christianity teach us today |
The Jesus movement. Rooted in Israel
The Kingdom of God
The values of the Jesus movement
Jesus' disciples
The death of Jesus
The Jesus movement continues. The resurrection of Jesus
The Holy Spirit
External factors
Kingdom and church
Did Jesus found the church?
What early Christians believed about Jesus. Paul's letters: the power of Jesus' death and resurrection
Pastoral epistles: "The saying is sure"
Other early traditions about Jesus
Jesus as the wisdom of God
Hymns in Luke's infancy narrative. How early Christians worshiped. Baptism as initiation into Christ
The Lord's Supper and early Christian life
The house church
The Christian assembly
Paul on the church. The Spirit-led community
The charismatic community
The body of Christ
The church and the people of God. Old Testament perspectives
The people of God in 1 Peter 2:9-10
The people of God in Galatians 3
The mystery of Israel in Romans 9-11. Paul's legacy: theology, narrative, and practice. Ecumenical dimensions in Paul's ecclesiology
Theology: Ephesians
Narrative: the Acts of the apostles
Practical advice: the pastoral epistles
The churches behind the synoptic Gospels. From Jesus to the synoptic Gospels: windows onto church life
Mark: a church under pressure
Matthew: the church and Judaism
Luke: the church in history and in the world
The Johannine communities. John's book of signs: Jesus and "the Jews"
John's books of glory: the community of the beloved disciple
The Johannine letters: the story continues
Revelation: hope for suffering Christians. The church in the world. Church and state
Men and women
Early Christian values
Hospitality and compassion
Ministry. Jesus as the servant leader
Other terms and patterns
Disciples of Jesus
The ministry of the Word
Ministers. Church offices
Ignatius of Antioch