Dodonaeus in Japan : translation and the scientific mind in the Tokugawa period |
This collection of essays is the outcome of an international symposium, jointly organised by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, and the Section of Japanese Studies of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in October 1998. It...
Print Book, English, 2001
Leuven University Press ; International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Leuven, Kyoto, 2001
383 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
9789058671790, 9058671798
PrefaceW.F. Vande Walle and Kazuhiko KasayaIntroductionW.F. Vande WalleI. Dodonaeus in the European ContextDodonaeus: a Bio-bibliographical SummaryW.F. Vande WalleDodonaeus and the Herbal TraditionRobert VisserBotanical Practice and Agricultural Demands in Early Modern Europe: the Contribution of Rembertus DodonaeusMauro AmbrosoliBotanical Collectors and Collections in the Low CountriesHelena WilleII. Translation and the Articulation of the Modern Episteme in JapanBreaking Boundaries: on Translation and the Concept of SocietyMichael SchiltzLinguistics and Translation in Pre-Modern Japan and China: a ComparisonW.F. Vande WalleReinterpretation of the Western Linear Perspective in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth Century JapanShigemi InagaThe Tokugawa Bakufu's Policies for the National Production of Medicines and Dodonaeus' CruijdeboeckKazuhiko KasayaIII. Japanese Renditions of DodonaeusThe Reception and Spread of Dodonaeus' Cruydt-boeck in JapanKiyoshi MatsudaThe Visual Legacy of Dodonaeus in Botanical and Human CategorisationTimon ScreechDodonaeus and Tokugawa Culture: Hiraga Gennai and Natural History in Eighteenth-Century JapanTà´ru HagaThe Development of Japanese Botanical Interest and Dodonaeus' role: from Pharmakopoeia to Botany and HorticultureJà´zaburà´ ShirahataIV The Rangaku ContextDodonaeus in Japanese: Deshima Surgeons as Mediators in the Early Introduction of Western Natural HistoryHarmen BeukersThe Early Penetration of French Science in Japan during the Tokugawa PeriodGabor Lukacs"Rerum Memorabilium Thesauros" - a Treasury of Memorable Things - Carl Peter Thunberg Observations during his Year in Japan 1775-1776Catharina BlombergThe Influence of Herman Boerhaave's Mechanical Concept of the Human Body in Nineteenth Century JapanFrederik Crijns