Madness and the mad in Russian culture |

A cheerful empress and her gloomy critics : Catherine the Great and the eighteenth-century melancholy controversy / Ilya Vinitsky

The Osvidetel'stvovanie and Ispytanie of insanity : psychiatry in Tsarist Russia / Lia Iangoulova

Madness as an act of defence of personality in Dostoevsky's The double / Elena Dryzhakova

Vsevolod Garshin, the Russian intelligentsia, and fan hysteria / Robert D. Wessling

On hostile ground : madness and madhouse in Joseph Brodsky's 'Gorbunov and Gorchakov' / Lev Loseff

The concept of revolutionary insanity in Russian history / Martin A. Miller

The politics of etiology : shell shock in the Russian army, 1914-1918 / Irina Sirotkina

Lives out of balance : the 'possible world' of Soviet suicide during the 1920s / Kenneth Pinnow

Early Soviet forensic psychiatric approaches to sex crime, 1917-1934 / Dan Healey

Writing about madness : Russian attitudes toward psyche and psychiatry, 1887-1907 / Angela Brintlinger

'Let them go crazy' : madness in the works of Chekhov / Margarita Odesskaya

The genetics of genius : V.P. Efroimson and the biosocial mechanisms of heightened intellectual activity / Yvonne Howell

Madwomen without attics : the crazy creatrix and the procreative Iurodivaia / Helena Goscilo

A 'new Russian' madness? : Fedor Mikhailov's novel Idiot and Roman Kachanov's film Daun Khaus / Andrei Rogachevskii

Methods of madness and madness as a method / Mikhail Epstein