Medical apartheid : the dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present |
Introduction: The American janus of medicine and race
pt. 1. A troubling tradition
Southern discomfort: medical exploitation on the plantation
Profitable wonders: antebellum medical experimentation with slaves and freedmen
Circus Africanus: the popular display of Black bodies
The surgical theater: Black bodies in the antebellum clinic
The restless dead: anatomical dissection and display
Diagnosis: freedom: the Civil War, Emancipation, and Fin de Siècle medical research
"A notoriously syphilis-soaked race": what really happened at Tuskegee?
pt. 2. The usual subjects
The black stork: the eugenic control of African American reproduction
Nuclear winter: radiation experiments on African Americans
Caged subjects: research on Black prisoners
The children's crusade: research targets young African Americans
pt. 3. Race, technology, and medicine
Genetic perdition: the rise of molecular bias
Infection and inequity: illness as crime
The machine age: African American martyrs to surgical technology
Aberrant wars: American bioterrorism targets Blacks
Epilogue: Medical research with blacks today