A concise history of Austria | WorldCat.org
1. The Eastern March, to 1439. Before Austria, to 1000. The Babenbergs, 1000-1278. Enter the Habsburgs, 1278-1439
2. AEIOU, 1439-1740. Universal monarchy, 1439-1556. The bastion of Christendom, 1521-1648. The establishment of the Habsburg monarchy, 1648-1740
3. Countering reform, 1740-1866. The enlightened state, 1740-1792. The legitimate empire, 1792-1848. The challenge of progress, 1848-1866
4. Empire on notice, 1866-1918. The compromised monarchy, 1866-1879. Austria transformed, 1879-1908. An empire falls apart, 1908-1918
5. The land without qualities, 1918-1945. The orphan republic, 1918-1927. Culture wars, 1927-1938. The Hitler time, 1938-1945
6. Austria, Inc., from 1945. Breaking free, 1945-1955. Getting rich, 1955-1970. Island of the blessed, 1970-1985. Backing into the future, 1985 onwards
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