Man versus society in medieval Islam |
1 online resource (xxi, 1158 pages))
9789004270893, 9004270892
Foreword; Major Reviews of the Reprinted Works; Note on the Layout of the Volume; List of Original Publications and Acknowledgments; I. Introduction; II. The Muslim Concept of Freedom Prior to the Nineteenth Century; III. The Herb: Hashish versus Medieval Muslim Society; IV. Gambling in Islam; V. "Sweeter Than Hope": Complaint and Hope in Medieval Islam; VI. The Individual and Society; I Am You"" Individual Piety and Society in Islam; Gifts and Bribes: The Muslim View; Appendix. Cannabis and Alcohol: The Green and the Red; The Stranger in Medieval Islam; On Suicide in Islam. VII. Sexuality, Gender, and the FamilyFiction and Reality: Sources for the Role of Sex in Medieval Muslim Society; Male and Female: Described and Compared; Reflections on Love in Paradise; Muslim Social Values and Literary Criticism: Reflections on the Hadith of Umm Zar'; Child Psychology in Islam; VIII. Science and Learning in Society; Materials for an Appraisal of Knowledge as a Societal Force; Al-Asturlabi and as-Samaw'al on Scientific Progress; The Defense of Medicine in the Medieval Muslim World; The Physician in Medieval Muslim Society; Significant Uses of Arabic Writing. Of Making Many Books There Is No End:"" The Classical Muslim ViewIndex of Selected Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Words; Index of Some Terms in Other Languages; Index of Proper Names and Places; Index of Subjects; Index of Qurʼān Citations