Bigger and Uglier - Quests - WoWDB

  • ️@WoWDB

Kill 8 Stonesplinter Shaman and 8 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers.


The Mountaineers tell me you are quite brave and capable, <name>. We need a <race> like you around here. The Trogg problem isn't getting any better. The reserves have been called to the front and we're all alone out here. But now that we have a seasoned <class> here, let's see what you can do.

Go out and kill 8 Stonesplinter Shaman and 8 Stonesplinter Bonesnappers. You should find them in and around the caves in the southern mountains.

Let's see if you live up to your reputation, Trogg-Slayer.


You will be able to choose one appropriate item for your class from the following rewards:

You will also receive:
