Sporeggar Tabard

  • ️Wed May 23 2007
Quick Facts

Vendor Locations

This item can be purchased in Dalaran  (6), The Exodar  (6), Ironforge  (4), Thunder Bluff  (4), Undercity  (4), Darnassus  (3), Orgrimmar  (3), Shattrath City  (3), Silvermoon City  (3), Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible , Dalaran  (2), Dawn of the Infinite , Magisters' Terrace , Maraudon , The Eternal Palace , Ulduar , Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom , Arathi Basin , Ashran , Atal'Dazar , Battle of Dazar'alor , Black Temple , Blackrock Depths , Gnomeregan , Halls of Infusion , Halls of Lightning , Halls of Reflection , Halls of Stone , Highmaul , Icecrown Citadel , Maw of Souls , Mogu'shan Vaults , Neltharus , Onyxia's Lair , Operation: Mechagon , Pit of Saron , Queen's Conservatory , Sanctum of Domination , Seething Shore , Shadowmoon Burial Grounds , Siege of Boralus , Siege of Orgrimmar , Stormwind City , Sunwell Plateau , The Necrotic Wake , The Nexus , The Rotting Mire , Throne of the Tides , Trial of Valor , Upper Blackrock Spire , Vision of Stormwind , Wailing Caverns , Waycrest Manor , Zangarmarsh , and Zul'Gurub .


