Duration |
n/a |
School |
Holy |
Mechanic |
n/a |
Dispel type |
n/a |
GCD category |
Normal |
Cost |
3 Holy Power |
Range |
5 yards (Combat) |
Cast time |
Instant |
Cooldown |
1 second |
1.5 seconds |
Effect #1 | School Damage (Holy) (AP mod: 0.79) Radius: 6 yards PVP Multiplier: 1
Effect #2 | Trigger Spell with Value
Effect #3 | Trigger Spell with Value
Effect #4 | Dummy Value: 1500 PVP Multiplier: 1 Server-side script
Flags |
- Cannot be used while shapeshifted
- Do Not Sheath
- Initiates Combat (Enabled Auto-Attack)
- Require All Targets
- Always Line of Sight
- No Cooldown On Tooltip
- Aura Points On Client
- Area Effects Use Target Radius
- Allow Class Ability Procs