Christo vs. Colorado
- ️Kelly Crow
- ️Fri Sep 10 2010
The artist famous for draping monuments in cloth is fighting for what may be his last major project — suspending fabric over 42 miles of the Arkansas River. The catch: convincing the locals.
On an August afternoon, a shiny sports-utility vehicle pulled into a parking lot of pick-up trucks outside the only school in Cotopaxi. The artist Christo Javacheff took a deep breath and walked into the school's gymnasium. Someone had set up a microphone under the basketball hoop, and two armed sheriff's officers stood watch nearby. All the folding chairs planted on the rubbery court were filled, some with people wearing T-shirts that read, "Say No To Christo."
The artist had fretted about this moment for months. "It's our lion's den," he told his staff.
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