The Only U.S. Lawmaker Born in Ukraine Is Now Skeptical of More Aid
- ️Katy Stech Ferek
- ️Thu Apr 04 2024
Rep. Victoria Spartz speaks of atrocities witnessed by friends, family in Ukraine—but says she won’t vote for proposed $60 billion aid package for Kyiv
WASHINGTON—Rep. Victoria Spartz speaks in highly personal terms about the horrors that her friends and family in Ukraine have witnessed since Russia invaded her home country more than two years ago. Her 95-year-old grandmother died several months after a bomb blew out the windows in her apartment. “The stress was hard on her,” she said.
But when it comes to the U.S. sending billions in more aid to the beleaguered country, Spartz is skeptical. The Indiana Republican, who is one of the House’s most colorful personalities, said she doesn’t support the Senate’s recently passed package that includes $60 billion in Ukraine-related spending along with funds for Israel and Taiwan. Additional money for Ukraine is expected to get a vote in some form in the House this spring.
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