
Democracy Earth: Censorship resistant democracies. | Y Combinator

Censorship resistant democracies.

Our mission is to build a sustainable democracy for the Information Age. We create censorship resistant, free and open source software that can deploy democracies anywhere there's an internet connection. We have implemented governance infrastructure for crypto networks; shadow referendums for activists in critical countries and the first Quadratic Voting implementation in the USA for the Colorado Legislative House. Backed by Templeton Foundation (2019), Y Combinator (2015) and Fast Forward (2016). Presented on TED Global (2014). Awarded by MIT Technology Review (2017) and Singularity University (2016). We did research for Alphabet, World Economic Forum and the University of Berkeley.

Democracy Earth

Democracy Earth


Team Size:2

Location:Madrid, Spain


Pia Mancini

Santiago Siri

Santiago Siri


Guido Vilariño