Copyright strike basics - YouTube Help

This content is about copyright strikes. For info about Community Guidelines strikes, which are different than copyright strikes, go to Community Guideline strikes basics.

If you get a copyright strike, it means that a copyright owner submitted a legal copyright removal request for using their copyright-protected content. When a copyright removal request is submitted to us, we review it. If the removal request is valid, we have to remove your video from YouTube to comply with copyright law.

Understanding Copyright Strikes

Keep in mind:

  • A video can only have one copyright strike at a time.
  • Videos can be removed from the site for reasons other than copyright.
  • Content ID claims don't result in a copyright strike.

What happens when you get a copyright strike

We all make mistakes. The first time you get a copyright strike, you’ll need to go through Copyright School. Copyright School helps creators understand copyright principles and how they’re enforced on YouTube. Copyright School consists of four short multiple choice questions.

Watch this video for more info on how copyright is enforced on YouTube.

If your active live stream is removed for copyright, your access to live streaming will be restricted for 7 days. If you receive another copyright strike, the live stream restriction will last 14 days.

If you get 3 copyright strikes:

  • Your account, along with any associated channels, is subject to termination.
  • If your channel is terminated, all the videos uploaded to your account will be made inaccessible.
  • You may not create new channels.

Courtesy Period

If your channel is part of the YouTube Partner Program, you're eligible for a 7 day courtesy period. After 3 copyright strikes, you'll have 7 additional days to act before your channel is removed. During this period, your copyright strikes won’t expire and you can't upload new videos. Your channel will remain live and you can access it to seek a resolution for your strikes.

If you submit enough counter notifications to bring your copyright strike count under 3, and those counter notifications are forwarded to the claimant, your channel’s removal will be on hold until the final outcome of the counter notifications and your upload ability will be restored. If the counter notification is resolved in your favor, or your copyright strikes are resolved by retraction, your channel won't be removed.

How to get info about your strike

Resolve a copyright strike

There are three ways to resolve a copyright strike:

  1. Wait for it to expire: Copyright strikes expire after 90 days. If it's your first strike, you'll need to complete Copyright School.
  2. Get a retraction: You can get in touch with the person who claimed your video and ask them to retract their claim of copyright infringement.
  3. Submit a counter notification: If you think your video was removed by mistake, or qualifies as fair use, you can submit a counter notification.

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