XC743905 Speckled Chachalaca (Ortalis guttata)
- ️Sat Oct 12 2019
Remarks from the Recordist
Las aves fueron vistas forrajeando a la altura de la copa del sotobosque; a orillas del Río Tacana cerca a la Maloca Mogoro, en la zona rural de la ciudad de Leticia.
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Urias Edgardo Gonzalez Carreño, XC743905. Accessible at www.xeno-canto.org/743905.
Basic data
Recordist | |
Date | 2019-10-12 |
Time | 08:00 |
Latitude | -4.0952 |
Longitude | -69.961 |
Location | Leticia, Amazonas |
Country | Colombia |
Elevation | 100 m |
Uploaded | 2022-08-19 |
Last modified | 2022-09-29 |
Sound details
Type | |
predefined | song |
other | not specified |
Sex | uncertain |
Life stage | adult |
Method | field recording |
Background | none |
Animal seen? | yes |
Playback used? | no |
Technical details
File type | mp3 |
Length | 23.7 (s) |
Sampling rate | 44100 (Hz) |
Bitrate of mp3 | 180246 (bps) |
Channels | 2 (stereo) |
Device | not specified |
Microphone | not specified |
Automatic recording | no |