XMLBeans Download
- ️Tue Oct 04 2016
Binary or source?
Most users will want to download a binary release of XMLBeans. If you're interested in contributing or like to live on the bleeding edge, you may want to compile the source for yourself.
XMLBeans 5.3.0 requires JDK 1.8. Last version to work with JDK 1.6 is 3.1.0.
Once you've downloaded the distribution or checked out the source, you should:
- first read the README.txt
- read the installation guide
- check out the samples page
- check out the documentation page
13 Dec 2024 - XMLBeans 5.3.0 available
It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using the PGP and SHA signatures. Please read Verifying Apache HTTP Server Releases for more information on why you should verify our releases. This page provides detailed instructions which you can use for POI artifacts.
The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the KEYS file as well as the .asc signature files for the relevant release packages. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures.
As an example:
% pgpk -a KEYS
% pgpv xmlbeans-X.Y.Z.jar.asc
% pgp -ka KEYS
% pgp xmlbeans-X.Y.Z.jar.asc
or - it's good practice to specify both files: (detached) signature and binary
% gpg --import KEYS
% gpg --verify xmlbeans-X.Y.Z.jar.asc xmlbeans-X.Y.Z.jar
Sample verification of xmlbeans-bin-3.1.0.tgz
% gpg --import KEYS
gpg: key 38DAC8E212DAE9BE: "Glen Stampoultzis <glens at apache.org>" not changed
gpg: key F5C260164CEED75F: 32 duplicate signatures removed
gpg: key F5C260164CEED75F: 108 signatures not checked due to missing keys
gpg: key F5C260164CEED75F: 1 signature reordered
gpg: key F5C260164CEED75F: "Nick Burch <nick at gagravarr.org>" not changed
gpg: key 8AAF88D6D84E41AE: 1 duplicate signature removed
% gpg --verify xmlbeans-bin-3.1.0.tgz.asc xmlbeans-bin-3.1.0.tgz
gpg: assuming signed data in `xmlbeans-bin-3.1.0.tgz'
gpg: Signature made Fri, Mar 22, 2019 3:09:34 PM PDT using RSA key ID D5718BA4
gpg: Good signature from "Greg Woolsey <gwoolsey@apache.org>"
gpg: aka "Greg Woolsey (personal) <greg.woolsey@gmail.com>"
% gpg --fingerprint D5718BA4
pub 2048R/1556F3A4 2016-10-04
Key fingerprint = 6072 A0C8 CE08 EAAA BF39 ED4F 2D15 E54A 1556 F3A4
uid Greg Woolsey <gwoolsey@apache.org>
uid Greg Woolsey (personal) <greg.woolsey@gmail.com>
sub 2048R/8CF53C56 2016-10-04
sub 4096R/D5718BA4 2017-01-09
Using XPath/XQuery requires an additional download of Saxon-HE 12.5 and placing on the classpath. The library is available here.
XMLBeans Source
There are a few ways to get the XMLBeans source code. You can download the source for a particular release, browse the source using ViewSVN/CVS, or check the source out from SVN.
Source via ViewSVN/CVS
You can browse the XMLBeans source via ViewSVN/CVS
Source via SVN checkout
In SVN, you will find the actively developed version of XMLBeans under "trunk". Under "tags" there are a number of tags corresponding to the released versions of XMLBeans, as an alternative to downloading the source distribution (there are additional things like tests, which are not included in the distribution as well).
If you have SVN installed on your machine you can issue the following commands to get XMLBeans source:
# get the version of XMLBeans under development
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlbeans/trunk/ xmlbeans
# or, just get the samples for XMLBeans
svn co https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/xmlbeans/trunk/samples/ xmlbeans-samples
Source via Git
Please see the Git at Apache page for details. As of this writing the Git acess is read-only.
Git Clone URL: git://git.apache.org/xmlbeans.git
Http Clone URL: http://git.apache.org/xmlbeans.git
Building XMLBeans
XMLBeans has a mix of Gradle and Ant based builds. The minimum supported JDK in the dev version of XMLBeans is Java 8.
Gradle is better supported in recent releases and in dev. Gradle 8.x and Ant 1.10.x are recommended.
After the steps above you should see an "xmlbeans" directory (or you can choose a different name in the previous step, of course):
cd xmlbeans\
gradle clean test jar
This will create a build directory containing the executables. The xmlbeans-<version>.jar is in the xmlbeans\build directory.
Unix / Linux / Mac
Building on Unix/Linux/Mac or Cygwin is essentially the same as for Windows:
cd xmlbeans/
gradle clean test jar