Nẹ́ptúníọ̀m - Wikipedia, ìwé-ìmọ̀ ọ̀fẹ́
Lát'ọwọ́ Wikipedia, ìwé ìmọ̀ ọ̀fẹ́
(Àtúnjúwe láti Neptunium)
Nẹ́ptúníọ̀m tabi Neptunium je apilese kemika pelu ami-idamo Np ati nomba atomu 93.
- ↑ Criticality of a 237Np Sphere
- ↑ Np(II), (III) and (IV) have been observed, see Dutkiewicz, Michał S.; Apostolidis, Christos; Walter, Olaf; Arnold, Polly L (2017). "Reduction chemistry of neptunium cyclopentadienide complexes: from structure to understanding". Chem. Sci. 8 (4): 2553–2561. doi:10.1039/C7SC00034K. PMC 5431675. PMID 28553487. //www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=5431675.
- ↑ Magnetic susceptibility of the elements and inorganic compounds, in Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 81st edition, CRC press.
wò • if. • at. Tábìlì ìdásìkò | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | |||||||||||||||
1 | H | He | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 | Na | Mg | Al | Si | P | S | Cl | Ar | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 | K | Ca | Sc | Ti | V | Cr | Mn | Fe | Co | Ni | Cu | Zn | Ga | Ge | As | Se | Br | Kr | ||||||||||||||
5 | Rb | Sr | Y | Zr | Nb | Mo | Tc | Ru | Rh | Pd | Ag | Cd | In | Sn | Sb | Te | I | Xe | ||||||||||||||
6 | Cs | Ba | La | Ce | Pr | Nd | Pm | Sm | Eu | Gd | Tb | Dy | Ho | Er | Tm | Yb | Lu | Hf | Ta | W | Re | Os | Ir | Pt | Au | Hg | Tl | Pb | Bi | Po | At | Rn |
7 | Fr | Ra | Ac | Th | Pa | U | Np | Pu | Am | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No | Lr | Rf | Db | Sg | Bh | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Nh | Fl | Mc | Lv | Ts | Og |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||