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The deacetylase SIRT1 has been suggested to function in normal brain physiology, but it is not known whether it participates in higher-order brain functions. These authors demonstrate a role for SIRT1 in synaptic plasticity and memory formation, with activation enhancing synaptic strength and memory formation. These effects were regulated through a post-transcriptional mechanism involving CREB activation and miR-134 production. This interplay represents another mechanism of plasticity regulation with behavioural consequences.
Zagorets. FK Zagorets. Zagorets Nova Zagora. Zagorets (Nova Zagora). Bulgaria. Últimos resultados y estadísticas de Zagorets. Información importante sobre jugadores, partidos, camisetas. Evgeni Karamanov. Plamen Tenev.
この名前は、スペイン語圏の人名慣習に従っています。第一姓(父方の姓)はサンチェス、第二姓(母方の姓)はロドリゲスです。 クーロ・サンチェス 名前本名 フランシスコ・ホセ・サンチェス・ロドリゲスFrancisco José Sánchez Rodríguezラテン文字 Curro Sánchez基本情報国籍...