Alternate artwork
Alternate artwork is used to describe the artwork of any card that is different from that of its Original Print. Alternate artworks are typically available in the form of promotional cards and are usually of cards popularized by characters in the anime.
For example, "Dark Magician Girl" has four alternate artworks in the OCG (three of which are present in the TCG and one original artwork).
Note that "alternate artwork" is different from artwork changes from the OCG to the TCG. For example, "Axe of Despair", "Barrel Dragon", "Blowback Dragon", "Exodia the Forbidden One", "Harpie Girl", "Mystic Tomato", "Soul Release", etc. are not considered to have alternate artworks. For those instances of censorship, see list of modified card artworks. This is also distinct from counterparts where a monster's design is reused with a different color scheme for two or more monsters that may or may not be related to one another and may or may not have different characteristics, and these are also distinct from card evolutions which is the same monster but reprinted with a new name and new effect who may or may not have the same appearance, Level or equivalent Rank/Link Rating, and ATK and DEF.
All alternate artwork cards have the same password as their originals, except "Polymerization" (the other version being Polymerization (Fusion)) and one version of "Dark Magician" (the Arkana version).
Currently "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" and "Dark Magician" have the most alternate artworks, with seven and six (excluding their original artworks) respectively.
A list of cards with alternate artworks[]
- Acid Trap Hole
- Aleister the Invoker
- Amplifier
- Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess
- Arcana Knight Joker
- Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring
- Big Shield Gardna
- Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
- Blue-Eyes White Dragon
- Borreload Dragon
- Borrelsword Dragon
- Buster Blader
- Celtic Guardian
- Chaos Dragon Levianeer
- Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
- Crush Card Virus
- Cyber Dragon
- Cyber Dragon Infinity
- Cyber End Dragon
- Dark Magician and Dark Magician (Arkana)
- Dark Magician Girl
- Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight
- Dark Paladin
- Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon
- Decode Talker
- Droll & Lock Bird
- El Shaddoll Construct
- El Shaddoll Winda
- Elemental HERO Avian
- Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
- Elemental HERO Neos
- Elemental HERO Sparkman
- Elemental HERO Stratos
- Familiar-Possessed - Aussa
- Familiar-Possessed - Eria
- Familiar-Possessed - Hiita
- Familiar-Possessed - Wynn
- Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
- Firewall Dragon
- Flame Swordsman
- Gaia The Fierce Knight
- Gemini Elf
- Ghost Belle & Haunted Mansion
- Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit
- Ghost Reaper & Winter Cherries
- Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood
- Gilford the Lightning
- Gouki The Great Ogre
- Gyakutenno Megami
- Harpie's Feather Duster
- Jinzo
- Kunai with Chain
- Kuriboh
- La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
- Launcher Spider
- Mad Lobster
- Metalmorph
- Millennium Shield
- Number 34: Terror-Byte
- Number 39: Utopia
- Obelisk The Tormentor
- Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon
- Panther Warrior
- Pendulum Machine
- Polymerization and Fusion
- Red-Eyes Black Dragon
- Red-Eyes Black Metal Dragon
- Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
- Salamangreat Heatleo
- Sky Striker Ace - Kagari
- Slifer the Sky Dragon
- Stardust Dragon
- Starving Venom Fusion Dragon
- Stronghold the Moving Fortress
- Summoned Skull
- The Winged Dragon of Ra
- Thousand Dragon
- Tiger Axe
- Toon World
- Tour Guide From the Underworld
- Trickstar Holly Angel
- Viser Des
- Vorse Raider
- Widespread Ruin
- Winged Kuriboh
- XYZ-Dragon Cannon