
Ancient Gear Castle

  • ️Sat Feb 18 2006

The Arabic, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official. (card names)

Ancient Gear Castle
古代の機械城 (アンティーク・ギアキャッスル)
English Ancient Gear Castle
French Château Rouages Ancients
German Antikes Antriebsschloss
Italian Castello-Ingranaggio Antico
Korean 앤틱 기어 캐슬
Portuguese Castelo do Mecanismo Antigo
Spanish Castillo de Mecanismo Antiguo
Japanese (kana) アンティーク・ギアキャッスル
Japanese (base) 古代の機械城
Japanese (rōmaji) Antīku Gia Kyassuru
Japanese (translated) Antique Gear Castle
Card type Spell
Property Continuous
Passcode 92001300
Card effect types
Card descriptions


All "Ancient Gear" monsters gain 300 ATK. Each time a monster is Normal Summoned/Set, place 1 counter on this card. If you Tribute Summon an "Ancient Gear" monster face-up, you can Tribute this card instead, if the number of its counters is equal to or greater than the number of required Tribute(s).


Tous les monstres "Rouages Ancients" gagnent 300 ATK. Chaque fois qu'un monstre est Invoqué/Posé Normalement, placez 1 Compteur sur cette carte. Si vous Invoquez par Sacrifice face recto un monstre "Rouages Ancients", vous pouvez Sacrifier cette carte à la place, si le nombre de ses Compteurs est supérieur ou égal au nombre de Sacrifices requis.


Alle „Antike/r/s Antrieb“-Monster erhalten 300 ATK. Jedes Mal, wenn ein Monster als Normalbeschwörung beschworen/gesetzt wird, lege 1 Zählmarke auf diese Karte. Falls du ein „Antike/r/s Antrieb“-Monster offen als Tributbeschwörung beschwörst, kannst du stattdessen diese Karte als Tribut anbieten, falls die Anzahl ihrer Zählmarken gleich oder größer als die Anzahl der benötigten Tribute ist.


Tutti i mostri "Ingranaggio Antico" guadagnano 300 ATK. Ogni volta che un mostro viene Evocato Normalmente/Posizionato, metti 1 Segnalino su questa carta. Se Evochi tramite Tributo un mostro "Ingranaggio Antico" scoperto, puoi invece offrire come Tributo questa carta, se il numero dei suoi Segnalini è pari o superiore al numero di Tributi richiesti.


Todos os monstros "Mecanismo Antigo" ganham 300 de ATK. Sempre que um monstro for Invocado por Invocação-Normal/Baixado, coloque 1 marcador neste card. Se você Invocar por Invocação-Tributo um monstro "Mecanismo Antigo" com a face para cima, você pode oferecer este card como Tributo, em vez de outros Tributos, se o número de marcadores nele for igual ou maior que o número de Tributos exigidos.


Todos los monstruos "Mecanismo Antiguo" ganan 300 ATK. Cada vez que un monstruo es Invocado de Modo Normal/Colocado, pon 1 contador en esta carta. Si Invocas por Sacrificio un monstruo "Mecanismo Antiguo" boca arriba, puedes Sacrificar esta carta en su lugar si el número de sus contadores es igual o mayor que el número de Sacrificios requerido.




①: 필드의 "앤틱 기어" 몬스터의 공격력은 300 올린다. ②: 이 카드가 마법 & 함정 존에 존재하는 한, 몬스터가 통상 소환될 때마다, 이 카드에 카운터를 1개 놓는다. ③: 자신이 "앤틱 기어" 몬스터를 앞면 표시로 어드밴스 소환할 경우, 필요한 릴리스의 수 이상의 카운터가 놓여진 이 카드를 대신에 릴리스하고 어드밴스 소환할 수 있다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2006-02-18SOI-EN047Shadow of InfinitySuper Rare

English—North America

Release dateCard codeSetRarity


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2006-02-18SOI-FR047Shadow of InfinityL'Ombre de l'InfiniSuper Rare

2006-02-18SOI-FR047Shadow of InfinityL'Ombre de l'InfiniUltimate Rare

2017-04-13SR03-FR023Machine Reactor Structure DeckLe Réacteur Des Machines Deck de StructureCommon

2022-03-17SGX1-FRD13Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy BoxSpeed Duel GX: Boîte Duel AcadémieCommon


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2006-03-15SOI-DE047Shadow of InfinityShadow of InfinitySuper Rare

2006-03-15SOI-DE047Shadow of InfinityShadow of InfinityUltimate Rare

2017-04-13SR03-DE023Machine Reactor Structure DeckMachine Reactor Structure DeckCommon

2022-03-17SGX1-DED13Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy BoxSpeed Duel GX: Duel Academy BoxCommon


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2006-02-18SOI-IT047Shadow of InfinityOmbra dell'InfinitoSuper Rare

2006-02-18SOI-IT047Shadow of InfinityOmbra dell'InfinitoUltimate Rare

2017-04-13SR03-IT023Machine Reactor Structure DeckMacchine Respingitrici Structure DeckCommon

2022-03-17SGX1-ITD13Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy BoxSpeed Duel GX: Confanetto Accademia del DuellanteCommon


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2017-04-13SR03-PT023Machine Reactor Structure DeckDeck Estrutural Reação das MáquinasCommon

2022-03-17SGX1-PTD13Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy BoxSpeed Duel GX: Caixa da Academia de DuelosCommon


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2006-02-18SOI-SP047Shadow of InfinitySombra del InfinitoSuper Rare

2006-02-18SOI-SP047Shadow of InfinitySombra del InfinitoUltimate Rare

2017-04-13SR03-SP023Machine Reactor Structure DeckReactor de las Máquinas Baraja De EstructuraCommon

2022-03-17SGX1-SPD13Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy BoxSpeed Duel GX: Caja de la Academia de DuelosCommon

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2005-11-17SOI-JP047Shadow of InfinitySHADOW OF INFINITYSuper Rare

2005-11-17SOI-JP047Shadow of InfinitySHADOW OF INFINITYUltimate Rare

2016-09-24SR03-JP023Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-VoltSTRUCTURE DECK R -機械竜叛乱-Common


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2008-10-26SOI-AE047Shadow of InfinitySuper Rare


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2007-07-03SOI-KR047Shadow of Infinity무한의 그림자Super Rare

2007-07-03SOI-KR047Shadow of Infinity무한의 그림자Ultimate Rare

2017-02-21SR03-KR023Structure Deck R: Machine Dragon Re-VoltSTRUCTURE DECK (스트럭처 덱)  R - 기계룡반란 -Common

Video game sets
Card search categories
Other card information
External links
Video gameDate#NameCostAlignmentATKDEFStatus
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 20062006-02-233640Unlimited

"Ancient Gear Castle" pages


"Ancient Gear" 「アンティーク・ギア」
