
Archlord Kristya

  • ️Tue Nov 17 2009

The Chinese, Croatian, Greek and Thai names given are not official. (card names)

Archlord Kristya
大 (だい) 天 (てん) 使 (し) クリスティア
English Archlord Kristya
Chinese 大天使 克里斯蒂亚
French Archange Kristya
German Erzherrscher Kristya
Italian Arcisignore Kristya
Korean 대천사 크리스티아
Portuguese Archlord Kristya
Spanish Señor Supremo Kristya
Japanese (kana) だいてんしクリスティア
Japanese (base) 大天使クリスティア
Japanese (rōmaji) Daitenshi Kurisutia
Japanese (translated) Archangel Christia
Card type Monster
Attribute LIGHT
Types Fairy / Effect
Level 8
ATK / DEF 2800 / 2300
Passcode 59509952
Card effect types
Card descriptions


If you have exactly 4 Fairy monsters in your GY, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). If Summoned this way: Target 1 Fairy monster in your GY; add that target to your hand. Neither player can Special Summon monsters. If this face-up card would be sent from the field to the GY, place it on top of the Deck, instead.


Si vous avez exactement 4 monstres Elfe dans votre Cimetière, vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement cette carte (depuis votre main). Si elle est Invoquée de cette façon : ciblez 1 monstre Elfe dans votre Cimetière ; ajoutez la cible à votre main. Aucun joueur ne peut Invoquer Spécialement de monstres. Si cette carte face recto va être envoyée depuis le Terrain au Cimetière, placez-la au-dessus du Deck à la place.


Falls du genau 4 Fee-Monster in deinem Friedhof hast, kannst du diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung (von deiner Hand) beschwören. Falls sie auf diese Art beschworen wird: Wähle 1 Fee-Monster in deinem Friedhof; füge jenes gewählte Ziel deiner Hand hinzu. Kein Spieler kann Monster als Spezialbeschwörung beschwören. Falls diese offene Karte vom Spielfeld auf den Friedhof gelegt würde, lege sie stattdessen aufs Deck.


Se hai esattamente 4 mostri Fata nel tuo Cimitero, puoi Evocare Specialmente questa carta (dalla tua mano). Se viene Evocata in questo modo: scegli come bersaglio 1 mostro Fata nel tuo Cimitero; aggiungi quel bersaglio alla tua mano. Nessun giocatore può Evocare Specialmente mostri. Se questa carta scoperta sta per essere mandata dal Terreno al Cimitero, mettila invece in cima al Deck.


Se você tiver exatamente 4 monstros Fada no seu Cemitério, você pode Invocar este card por Invocação-Especial (da sua mão). Se Invocado desta forma: escolha 1 monstro Fada no seu Cemitério; adicione o alvo à sua mão. Nenhum duelista pode Invocar monstros por Invocação-Especial. Se este card com a face para cima seria enviado do campo para o Cemitério, em vez disso, coloque-o no topo do Deck.


Si tienes exactamente 4 monstruos Hada en tu Cementerio, puedes Invocar esta carta de Modo Especial (desde tu mano). Si es Invocada de esta forma: selecciona 1 monstruo Hada en tu Cementerio; añade ese objetivo a tu mano. Ningún jugador puede Invocar monstruos de Modo Especial. Si esta carta boca arriba fuera a ser mandada del Campo al Cementerio, ponla en la parte superior del Deck en su lugar.




①: 자신 묘지의 천사족 몬스터가 4장뿐일 경우, 이 카드는 패에서 특수 소환할 수 있다. ②: 이 카드의 ①의 방법으로 특수 소환에 성공했을 경우, 자신 묘지의 천사족 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동한다. 그 천사족 몬스터를 패에 넣는다. ③: 이 카드가 몬스터 존에 존재하는 한, 서로 몬스터를 특수 소환할 수 없다. ④: 필드의 앞면 표시의 이 카드가 묘지로 보내질 경우, 묘지로는 가지 않으며 주인의 덱 맨 위로 되돌아간다.
TCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetRarity

2009-11-17SOVR-EN096Stardust OverdriveSecret Rare

2016-11-17DESO-EN050Destiny SoldiersSuper Rare

2023-11-16VASM-EN048Valiant SmashersRare


Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity

2009-11-12SOVR-FR096Stardust OverdrivePouvoir de la Poussière d'EtoileSecret Rare

2011-08-25CT08-FR010Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 1Boîtes à Collectionner 2011 Vague 1Super Rare

2016-11-17DESO-FR050Destiny SoldiersLes Soldats de la DestinéeSuper Rare

2018-01-18SR05-FR011Structure Deck: Wave of LightDeck de Structure : Onde de LumiereCommon

2023-11-16VASM-FR048Valiant SmashersLes Vaillants FracasseursRare

2023-11-16VASM-DE048Valiant SmashersLes Vaillants FracasseursQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity

2009-11-12SOVR-DE096Stardust OverdriveStardust OverdriveSecret Rare

2011-08-25CT08-DE010Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 1Sammel Tins 2011 Wave 1Super Rare

2016-11-17DESO-DE050Destiny SoldiersDestiny SoldiersSuper Rare

2018-01-18SR05-DE011Structure Deck: Wave of LightStructure Deck: Wave of LightCommon

2023-11-16VASM-DE048Valiant SmashersValiant SmashersRare

2023-11-16VASM-DE048Valiant SmashersValiant SmashersQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity

2009-11-12SOVR-IT096Stardust OverdrivePotere della Polvere di StelleSecret Rare

2011-08-25CT08-IT010Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 1Tins da Collezione 2011 Emissione 1Super Rare

2016-11-17DESO-IT050Destiny SoldiersSoldati del DestinoSuper Rare

2018-01-18SR05-IT011Structure Deck: Wave of LightStructure Deck: Ondata de LuceCommon

2023-11-16VASM-IT048Valiant SmashersValorosi DistruttoriRare

2023-11-16VASM-IT048Valiant SmashersValorosi DistruttoriQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity

2016-11-17DESO-PT050Destiny SoldiersSoldados do DestinoSuper Rare

2018-01-18SR05-PT011Structure Deck: Wave of LightDeck Estrutural: Onda de LuzCommon

2023-11-16VASM-PT048Valiant SmashersEsmagadores ValentesRare

2023-11-16VASM-PT048Valiant SmashersEsmagadores ValentesQuarter Century Secret Rare


Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity

2009-11-12SOVR-SP096Stardust OverdrivePoder de Polvo de EstrellasSecret Rare

2011-08-25CT08-SP010Collectible Tins 2011 Wave 1Latas Coleccionables 2011 Lanzamiento 1Super Rare

2016-11-17DESO-SP050Destiny SoldiersSoldados del DestinoSuper Rare

2018-01-18SR05-SP011Structure Deck: Wave of LightBaraja de Estructura: Onda de LuzCommon

2023-11-16VASM-SP048Valiant SmashersRompedores ValientesRare

2023-11-16VASM-SP048Valiant SmashersRompedores ValientesQuarter Century Secret Rare

OCG sets


Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity

2009-01-21VJMP-JP038V Jump March 2009 promotional cardVジャンプ 2009年 3月号 付録カードGold Rare

2010-12-11SD20-JP012Structure Deck: Lost SanctuarySTRUCTURE DECK -ロスト・サンクチュアリ-Common

2014-12-20TRC1-JP014The Rarity CollectionTHE RARITY COLLECTIONSuper Rare

2014-12-20TRC1-JP014The Rarity CollectionTHE RARITY COLLECTIONSecret Rare

2014-12-20TRC1-JP014The Rarity CollectionTHE RARITY COLLECTIONCollector's Rare


Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity

2010-07-03PP05-KR007Premium Pack Vol.5프리미엄 팩 Vol.5Ultra Rare

2010-07-03PP05-KR007Premium Pack Vol.5프리미엄 팩 Vol.5Secret Rare

2011-04-11SD20-KR012Structure Deck: Lost SanctuarySTRUCTURE DECK (스트럭처 덱) —잃어버린 성역—Common

2018-11-09TRC1-KR014The Rarity Collection더 레어리티 컬렉션Super Rare

2018-11-09TRC1-KR014The Rarity Collection더 레어리티 컬렉션Secret Rare

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External links

"Archlord Kristya" pages